Chapter 12

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I looked at him confused as he continued to talk to me.  He then said," So when I heard that you and your friends were going out tomorrow night I honestly got nervous for you. I know that you are strong girl and I know that you could handle yourself which is one of the many reasons that I like you a lot. But I want you to be really careful because there are some real creeps out there and I don't want you to be taken advantage of by them. I know that I'm acting really overprotective, but I'd rather let you know and to be safe, because I care a lot about you." You looked at him and smiled. He looked at you confused. You then said," It's really nice to know that someone actually cares about you, and I thank you for that. And it's really cute to see you all concerned about me and protective. I will make sure that I will text you when I get there and check-in with you to make sure that I'm safe and when I'm leaving." He was starting to blush. Then I said in a voice like I was talking to a baby," Is someone blushing?" He laughed and I tackled him and we were play fighting. I finally gave in and he yelled," YES! THE CHAMPION OF THE WORLD!!!" I was laughing at him and silliness. We then were watching the show," The Walking Dead". It was about 2:00 in the morning and I said," Justin, I'm really tired and I have a busy day tomorrow."  He gave me a hug and gave me a peck on the cheek and said "Goodnight". I smiled at him and said," Night, I had a lot of fun" He said "Me too". I  walked upstairs, did my nightly routine, shut my light off and climbed in my bed and feel asleep to the thought of Justin and how cute he is to when he is overprotective.

A/n- Hey!! So I know that this was super short but I want to save the next day for another chapter. You will most likely get it either tomorrow (Monday) or the next day (Tuesday). Seriously I don't want to go to school tomorrow, I wish I could just stay home all day and  write all the chapters I could. Waking up at 6:00 in the morning does not seem appealing and I'm mentally crying. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thanks for reading and stay tune for the next chapter!

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