Chapter 19

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I get home and Justin opens the door for us, letting me in first. I walk upstairs to get changed out of my dress and Justin followed me, then we went into our own rooms. I put on my pajamas, wash my make up off and put my hair into a high bun. I walked downstairs and put on the TV. I was sitting alone for about 20 minutes and then Justin came down and sat next to me. He put his arm around me and I slowly put my head on his shoulder. We snuggled and watched the movie," Freddy Kruger". It was really quiet and peaceful. Then me and Justin started talking about random stuff. He said," Where are your parents, you don't really talk about them. I then said," Oh yea I know they live in Massachusetts. I want to visit them really soon. I may go there for Thanksgiving and probably stay there until New Years." " Oh that's cool. I don't know if I could stay away from you that long." I giggle and say," I know, it's only October, so hopefully we will start dating soon and you could come with me. And I will probably bring Abby, Rachel, Colleen, Ella, and Savannah and their boyfriends because all of their families live in Mass to. It would really be nice if you could come, but I understand your work gets in the way so you probably would be busy. But I totally understand. I don't know. As long as I have someone with me to travel across the country with cuz I get so nervous. But we need to plan it really soon." He nods his head and says," I will take work off for you anytime. I would love to meet your family. And don't worry about you and me. In like 3 weeks we will try it again and until those 3 weeks I will treat you like a princess. Oh and since I have my private jet, we can all go one it together, the car and stuff after we land is all taken care of too. Since we have nothing to do this weekend, lets book it. Call your friends over and we all can discuss the right date. The earliest the better." I look at him with my eyes wide open. All I could do was tackle him and just hug him. We laugh when I do it. I'm still on his chest and I said," Justin, thank you so much. I...I love you." He grinned and said," Y/n I love you more." We hugged again and I said up. I said," Justin I'm so excited for this trip. And maybe me and you can fly to Canada to see your family because I would love to meet them to." " Yea that would be awesome, they would love you. Maybe once your friends leave we can book our flight together and call my parents and stuff." I nod my head while I text my friends. I look up and said," Ok so I texted my friends to all come tomorrow to discuss everything and they all said yes. Sorry that I'm dulling this really exciting moment but I'm exhausted I'm gonna go to bed." " Yea me too. I will lock up." I went upstairs and brushed my teeth and stuff and climbed into bed so excited about finally going home and my parents meeting Justin. I can't believe he agreed, I have missed my family so much. I hear a knock on the door and it was Justin. I say "Hey" "Hey, um do you mind if I sleep with you tonight?" "Yea sure" I move over and he lies really close to me. We were laying in silence and Justin said," Last question, um so do you have a big family or a small family. I turned around facing him and said," Oh Justin, I have a huge family so be prepared." I chuckle and he said nervously," Oh um, r...really." " Oh yea. Don't worry baby. Like I said, I will be near you the majority of the time, unless my dad, uncles, grandpa, and brother want to talk to you alone since they are the most overprotective people over me. But please don't worry. No stress." He said," Okay just making sure." " Ha ha, Good night I love you." " Love you more". I finally went to sleep, relieved the day is over.

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