Chapter 18

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It was finally Friday Morning the day of the wedding. Even though I'm not in the wedding party, I'm still really excited to go for some reason. I walk downstairs to see a note on the table from Justin," Hey Babe! Scooter called me to go into the studio early. But I will be back around 3, so I will be back for the wedding. Text me when you get up! - Love, Jay." I smiled and got my hone and texted him," Good Morning Babe. I read the note, it was cute. I might go hang out with Rach today while you are gone. Love you!" I sent the message and walked upstairs to get dresses. I put on a cute flannel and leggings. I then went downstairs and checked my phone. Justin texted me back saying, "Okay babygirl, be safe. I miss you already. I will see you later. Love you More!" I laugh at his text. I leave the house and drive out of the gates in Justin's Cadillac. I'm sure Justin wouldn't mind, I'm now thinking of using this car more often. The more I think about it I text Justin," Hey babe sorry for disturbing you but I'm taking your 'Caddy' to Rachel's. I will be careful . Hope you don't mind!." I arrive to Rachel's house and see Colleen is over. I walk into the house without knocking since it was unlocked. I went upstairs to see Rachel and Colleen's back towards me, I walk up to them and scare them. We all laughed and went out to lunch spending the rest of the afternoon. It was around 3:30. I said to Rachel and Colleen," I have to go. I have a wedding to go to at 6:30 with Justin. I need to get ready." Rachel then said in like a white girl voice," O.M.G Is he like your date to the like wedding?" I nod really fast and said," I think he's going to ask me out this Saturday." We all scream and jump in a circle. I finally said," Girls I need to leave my baby is waiting for me. Good bye!" Rachel and Colleen scream," Aww. You said Baby!!!!" I laugh and drive away. While I was driving I got a text from Rachel saying," Damn, Girl that Cadillac tho!" I laughed, and finally pulled up to our home to see Justin's Range Rover in the Drive way. I walk into the house and yell really loud," JUSTIN I'M HOME!!!" He yells back from the bathroom upstairs, "I'm in the shower babe!" * 1 1/2 hours later* Justin comes over to me when I'm finishing my makeup. I'm already dressed and everything." Hey you ready? We need to stop on our way to the bank for the bar." I make the last stroke on my face with the brush and stood up. Justin was in this really nice suit and he looked very handsome. Justin on the other hand was totally shocked by how I looked. He finally said," Y/n! You look absolutely GORGOUES!" I was blushing a lot and said " Thanks Justin. Now let's go and have some FUUUUN!" He laughs and said," okay what car do you want to bring. Your choice." I stood there with my foot out and tapping my finger on my lip," How about we ride in the Lamborghini Gallardo." "Good choice let's go." It was about 5:00 and the Venue was about 20 minutes away. We got to the bank and Justin got money taken out and we were finally on our way. When we got there, many people were standing around the gazebo waiting for the ceremony. I hugged Julie, the cousin of the bride. She was really chill and really fun to hang out with, and she jokes around all of the time. I introduced Justin to her and she said," AWW Y/n he's so cute!." I laugh and say," I know right." We all talk and Justin talks to her until the music comes on and we all take our seats. The ceremony begins and it was really nice. After wards the reception was at a hall in the same place we are in. We walked in and it was beautiful, blue lights and gorgeous decorations. we sat at our assigned table with this girl who is me and Justin's age named Sabrina and two other older couples. I already knew Sabrina was bad news since she was all over Justin. This isn't going to be good. Everyone was finished eating dinner, but I was still eating. the real music came on and Sabrina asked Justin to dance with her. Justin looked at me, but I had my head down not wanting to look at him. Honestly I am so pissed that this girl thinks she can just get on my soon to be boyfriend. I don't know, maybe I'm over reacting. It has now been over an hour and me and Justin are slow dancing to the song," All of me". He's being really romantic and me dancing with him makes me feel better about the whole thing with Sabrina. It hasn't even been more than half into the song and I see Sabrina in the corner of my eye walking towards us. She totally pushes me off of Justin and says," It's my turn." I look at Justin you looks completely shocked but then starts talking to Sabrina and laughing. I shook my head and took my bag and walked outside. I was sitting on a bench and I needed to talk to someone like right away. I decided to face time Rachel, she then answered. I said in a shaky voice," Hey Rach, I really need to talk to you." " Okay what's up" I began by saying," So when we got to the wedding every thing was fine. The ceremony was really nice and then we got to the reception. We sat with this girl, Sabrina, and she was really flirtatious with Justin." I began to tear up and I tried to control it but I couldn't. Rachel then said, "Aw Y/n are you okay? Do you want me to come get you?" I shook my head, " I don't think so. I think Justin would get angry if I did that and I'm not leaving them alone together just in case. So let me just continue what happened. So they were basically dancing all night and he didn't dance with me once. So finally it was a slow song and it was All of Me so I got up and told Justin to come dance with me. It was going really well and I thought that I was just over reacting. But then I saw Sabrina in the corner of my eye coming over towards us and she pushed me away from Justin." I was now crying really hard and my makeup was running down my face. And I wasn't trying to hide it anymore since I really didn't care if Rachel saw. So I forced myself to continue," A..And he looked at me b..but then he took Sabrina no problem and they finished the of the song together. Rachel I would have never thought that he would do this to me. I don't know what to do. If he wants to ask me out tomorrow I think I'm going to have to deny it, I just can't commit to someone who can trade his girl for some stranger " I held my head in my hands. Rachel said," Y/n if you think you need to say something and you have that gut feeling then go through with that feeling. If you need be I will be on standby, okay. text me when ever even. Keep your head up high okay" " Okay thanks Rachel. You helped me so much. I will talk to you later. " "Alright, bye" " Bye". I stood up and walked back into the reception. They were still dancing so I sat down at the table and watched everyone. I met this girl that was sitting at the other table. We both introduced ourselves and we talked a lot, her name was Alice. She was really cool and she took Justin off of my mind. In like 10 minutes Justin came over holding hands with Sabrina that's walking behind him. I looked at him and Alice looked confused. I said," Oh Alice this is my good friend Justin, Justin this is Alice." They both shook hands and Justin said," Nice to meet you. Um y/n I want to get going it's getting late." I nodded my head and looked at Alice and said, "Let's trade numbers. I have a group of girls that I think you would love I would love to hang out with you soon." She said really friendly back," Oh yea definitely. I would love to hang out with you and your girls!" Me and Justin said goodbye to the bride and groom and to the few guests that I knew/met. On the car way home it was extremely awkward. I mean I was furious with Justin so I didn't want to look at him or talk to him. he asked me questions like," How was the food or Did you meet any nice people" I nodded my head and that was it. He was obviously trying to start a conversation with me, and I think that it was a good time to confront the problem. He then finally asked me," Did you have fun Y/n?" I looked at him and he looked at me, then I looked out to the window. I said," You know what Justin, I obviously had an amazing time to see them get married but during the reception, no I did not have a good time at all. The only good part about the reception was when I met this girl Alison while I was sitting around bored out of mind." Justin said," Well you could have danced with the rest of the majority of people." I looked at him and shook my head," You didn't notice anything wrong you did today or why I didn't have a good time at all." He shook his head and said," I don't think so, but tell me what's wrong so I can at least try and fix it." I began," Look Justin that Sabrina girl was all over you tonight. You didn't ask me to dance at all during the whole night. I Had to ask you, Justin. And you know how you said earlier before we left on how you were going to tell everyone that I'm yours and that you love me and all of the bull. It looked like Sabrina was the one you were talking about. When I was dancing with you that ONE TIME, she rushed over and literally pushed me and started to dance with you. And it looked like you found nothing wrong with that. I was SO heart broken that I ran outside and called Rachel because she was the only support I had at the moment. How do you feel Justin? Did you not notice any of the things that you obviously did that hurt me. YOU WERE HOLDING HER HAND FRO GODS SAKE!!" HE was silent and I chuckled and said," Oh and one last thing, I don't think that I'm ready to commit myself to someone that can't even go to a wedding without flirting with a girl. I don't think I'm going to go on the date with you tomorrow." He shook his head and said," Y/n why are you being so jealous. I like Sabrina as a friend." I was so furious at that moment. " You know what Justin, how would you feel if I was haging on to some guy and holding his hand. How would you feel." He was quiet and just staring at the road and then said quietly," I would feel the same as you are now." I said louder," Exactly Justin! So don't you ever call me Jealous again withoutthinking how you would feel. I was crying and you didn't even ask if I was okay." Justin then pulled over and said," Y/n I am so sorry that I did this to you. I am such an idiot I will delete her number and not talk to her at all. I feel like crap right now and terrible about what I did. I'm like so blind, and I can't stand that you cried there and I didn't even help you. I'm so sorry and I completely understand that you would want to put off the date. But I still want to earn your trust and get as close as we were." I nodded and said," Thanks Justin and I forgive you. This was just a little bump in the road. And I guarente that we will become girlfriend and boyfriend soon. And it takes all of me to put it off but I feel that it was right and we should take it slow. We have such a bright future and I could see it already. Let's just take it sloww and do stuff together and expreience things together." Justin nodded and we hugged for like 5 minutes. He finally said," Let's go home".

A/n: Hey Guys! Woah!!! That was like a long chapter. Thanks for reading. i'll be posting soon!

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