Chapter 13

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Y/n Pov.

*The Next Day

I woke up in Justin's Guest room, where I basically live, to the smell of something burning. I quickly got up and went downstairs to see Justin trying to cook breakfast. I decide to just watch him fail miserably as my entertainment. He was only in his basketball shorts without a shirt on, and I have to admit that he had the best body!! I got my phone and took a video of Justin cooking on instagram. I finally couldn't take it, and I said," Good morning Babe." He looked back at me and said," Good morning babe and as you can see I am TRYING to cook breakfast for you. But I'm failing miserably." I laughed and said," Aww, do you want help?" He nodded and pouted with his lip. I run over to him and hug him from behind. I looked at the huge mess and mumbled," Oh my God". After an hour of trying to make a new breakfast for us, we sat down at the dining table. I told him basically out of breath," We definitely need a personal chef." We just laughed. Then Justin said," So while you are out with your friends, I'm going to go out to dinner with Selena and break up with her." I looked up at him and nodded," Okay do what you have to do, what time are you going to be back?" " Well, I'm meeting her at 6:30 at this restaurant and we'll have dinner, I'll break the news and she will probably storm out. So I probably will be back home at like 8:00." "Okay no problem." It was about 2:00 so I wanted to get my nails done for tonight. I told Justin as I put our plates in the sink," Jay, I'm going to get my nails done, I'll be back around 2:30." As I was walking upstairs I heard Justin." No babe!!!! Don't go!!" I laughed and said," I'm not your babe yet!" He gasped and said," you called me babe too!!! And you will be soon." You blushed and said," I know, I'm joking"   You left and went to a really nice salon. I decided to get these matte black cat nails.  They were really cute. It was about 2:30 and we don't go out until 7:00.I then went over to quickly stop by at my cousin, Savannah's house.  I knocked on the door and she opened it, in her Pj's. I  said," Hey you lazy bum." She laughed and said ," Hi to you too!" We went up to her room. I said," I just got my nails done" *I showed her my nails*. She said," Those are so cute! I just got mine yesterday." She had these really cute acrylic teal nails. I asked her," So where's Ryan?" (Her boyfriend.) She responded saying," He's working, where's Justin?". " He's home, he is actually breaking up with Selena today". " Are you kidding?! Is he doing it for you" " Yea I'm assuming". We both giggled. I asked her, " What are you wearing? "I'm wearing dark skinny jeans, a white flowy crop top and pink heels. How bout you ". "Ooohhh that sounds cute! I'm wearing this short high waisted skirt and a cute tank top crop top. With black high heel boots."*pic* " That's cute" " Yea, well I need to get home to Justin" " Okay, I will see you later!!" "Okay it's going to be soooo much fun".  I get into the car and want to make one last quick stop at Starbucks for me and Justin. I got home and heard Justin in the shower. I was in the fridge trying to get something to eat, and someone scared the hell out of me. I jumped and looked behind me to see Justin *Only with a towel around his waist* laughing his head off. I giggled and said," Justin! Why would you do that?" He finally said," Sorry baby" I laughed and said," Oh, I got you Starbucks" He looked at me really excited with his eyes wide open and ran to the counter where the coffee was. He then ran over to me and hugged me really hard. I yelled," Justin, to tight!!" He let me go and I took a drink from my ice coffee. He said," Thanks for the coffee, and you were gone a long time. It's 3:30" " Yea I know I got done at like 2:30 and then went to Savannah house real quick to ask her what she's wearing tonight and stuff. And then I went to get Starbucks cuz I really wanted some." He nodded. I then said." Yea, I'm going to get ready. The girl's are going to come around like 7:20, but you'll be gone anyways. He just nodded slurping his Starbucks watching TV. I went into my room which had a full bathroom. I took a shower, blow dried my hair straight and started my make up. I had very dramatic eye with a light pink lipstick. I got a text from Abby saying," We have a big surprise for you!' I was confused by this and texted her back saying," Okay, I'm a little scared." She replied," Lol, Don't be!" As I was putting my last shoe on, Justin walked in, he was very casually dressed *pic*. He asked," How do I look?" I let go off my boot and looked behind me to see him," You look very handsome." He blushed and looked up at me," Thanks and you look really beautiful." You started to blush a little and said," Thanks Justin." " Well, I'm going to get going to meet up with Selena. Be careful and please text me." I nodded," Okay, Good luck text me how it goes." "Okay see you later." Okay, bye Justin". About 10 minutes later Rachel showed up. I opened the door and yelled," What's up Girl!! Who's ready to party!" She yelled back," I am!!" We both laughed. I got her a glass of water and said," Do you know the big surprise that's happening for me?" " Yea, it's actually from all of us that's going. But I'm not telling." I rolled my eyes jokingly. Rachel then said," You look really cute tonight!" I giggled and said," Thanks girl, you do too." About 5 minutes passes and all of the girls were there, we were all just hanging out and having some wine before we go to dinner and then actually to a club. Everybody soon gets quiet and Ella announces," Ladies, the surprise is here! Y/n cover you eyes!!" I cover my eyes and they guide me outside. Everyone counts down," 3...2...1 open!!" I open my eyes and see this HUGE limousine parked in front of the house!

A/n: AHHHH I KNOW!!! haven't posted in FORVER!!! Here's the 13th chapter and it is pretty long so that's good. I will TRY and start writing the next chapter tomorrow. Thank you for you UNBELIEVABLE patience and thank you for reading!

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