One lucky girl

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Rylee Foster. How lucky can a girl be to have her lucky number have the same number as the one's in her name? Not so lucky. You guessed it. Rylee Foster, so unlucky. And if you count, her letters are two away from the most unlucky number in the world. How misrable can one life be? You never know until you've asked her. Standing, waiting for the bus to come every morning. Letting her legs lock, so she could pass out for long. She went for that on the 130 day of school. It would of worked, because 130 has the number 13 in it. She left the house early, with an excuse that was she had to go to school early for extra credit. Her mother belived her, because ever scince the 10th grade, her grades were plummiting. She stood, snowflakes dirfting on her beanie. She stood there trying not to bend her knees. Her eyes felt heavy. She lightly smiled to herself, knowing her plan was going to work before the sun rised. She fell to the ground, the last thing she remebered, a car light flashing her eyes.


A boy with a mess of curls held her head above the ground. " She's opening her eyes Gemma," He turned to the girl on the phone, as she melted down next to Rylee. " Are you okay love?" She nodded her head and stood up, tipping over a bit, only to have the boy catch her. He din't let go as they shared the same breathe. The girl, Gemma, looked at the boy. " Harry." she said with a sharp tone. Harry set Rylee down in the front seat of the small cruiser. " Do you need anything?" the girl, Gemma cupped the speaking part on the phone. Rylee put her hands to her forehead and shook her head.

" Well, you kinda missed your bus." the dude said. "How long has it been?!" she asked, nervously.

" About 2 hours..." Okay, she went into panick mode.


THEYRENOTATSCHOOLOHMYGODMYMOTHERISGOINGTOKILLME!" she raced home. "Why hello mother." Her mother didnt look up from the tomato she was slicing rather rapidly. "Did you know I got a call from school today?" rylee looked down at her feet."I THOUGHT it was your brother but when i asked they said it was you. Ry, what happened to my little smart girl who never thried to kill herself?" her mom asked, setting down the knife. Tears formed in Rylee's eyes. " YOU JUST DONT GET IT!" she screamed. "WHAT IS THERE TO GET?!" her mother screamed back. Rylee dashed upstairs, her eye vision blury. she ran upstairs and grabbed a bag. she stuffed a tooth brush, hair brush, and an axtra pack of clothes. she looked at her watch. She was having a passing out moment, fighting with her mom, and packing for over 5 hours. She walked outside and slammed the door extra hard because her mother didnt like it. She pushed right past her brother and his gang. " Where are you going?!" but rylee just kept on walking without listening to anybody. Finally she got to her best friends house. She didnt want to start crying again, and held back the tears. She waved, knowing that her friend couldn't see her.

Getting deeper into london, Rylee had no idea where she was going. Finding her way to the nearest restraunt, her stomach rumbled. She walked inside, only to be bumped down. "I'm so sorry!" The boy mumbled. She looked up, Harry was there! Why the heck was he always there?! She cursed under her breath. " Oh my goodness! Your the girl I ran into!" she nodded, he extended his hand, but she didn't reach for it. " Harry!" People yelled. Bright flashes blinded her. " Come on, lets get somewhere where you wont be blinded. Ah! The car!" He whispered, snapping his fingers. They walked into a dark alley. When Rylee thought he meant his cruiser, she almost had a heart attack when she realized that there was a huge sleek limo infront of her. "Wha-" she couldn't finish.

"What? you don't think a celebrity can walk here do you?" Celebrity?

" One direction?" a faint remeberence of here friends that would always fangirl over them was in her mind. "Ah." Rylee said, nodding her head. " Yeah." He said, looking at the limo. " Her name's Mona." He said, running his hand on it.

" Mona?" She laughed." Yeah, and my car's named Yolonda" She stopped laughing as she looked at his straight face. " Yup."

The carride was long. Rylee had no idea where they were going. "Oh crud..." Harry looked out the window. 4 black trucks surrounded the window. " Wha-" she looked around. " Duck your head." He pushed her off the nearest seat and into a corner. She didn't feel very comfradable, but heck, half the time she didn't feel very comfadable.

Knowing the car would atract attention, not only from the 4 black cars that were still following their desprate butts, but the fans, who were beginning to swarm around the car, screaming. Their only hope? Walking. The limo driver began to speed up, and dropped them off at a dark alley.

As they walked up to the huge alley, Harry made twists and turns, Rylee wasnt suprised she didn't take the right turn and lost Harry. She could hear her name being called, he knew she was missing. She couldn't answer back, she couldn't breathe. She couldn't go back home, she couldn't find Harry, was this suppost to be her new home? A newspaper for a bed? A big rat for a companon? Wow, what a suckish life she lived.

Foot steps pounded against the cold ground.

" HARRY?!" there was her voice. After hours of walking around in complete nothingness, she couldn't take it.

" RYLEE!" the footsteps belonged to Harry.

He sprinted up and sqeezed her. She began sobbing into Harry's chest. "It's okay." He began stroking her hair. He picked her up bridal style. " Where are we going?" she asked. " My home." He aswered

a/n HEY you guys! Hope you all are enjoing summer vacation! Everyone who reads this I hope you love it... and if you probably can't wait until the next chapter... YAY I LOVE YOU.

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