The Goddess (remastered)

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Let us tell a tale, so true to my heart

It would be a difficult thing to try and pick up from the start

How does one find perfection from the beginning

Surely the queen we speak of has found it in winning

Wining in the gamble of this thing called life

Dealing a good hand without much strife

Let's get to her tale and not ramble anymore

You'll be in awe of what we have in store

A glorious woman with a warm smile

Who makes you want to sit and talk for a while

Talk about her great things that make her perfect

Talk about the many parts that make her worth it

Worth hugging and kissing and worth all love

An angel, a blessing send from above

Her kindness extents to all big and small

To the things that walk and to the things that crawl

Children all run and flock to her feet

They listen to mother goose as she gives them a treat

Her treat is her wisdom disguised as a tale

To keep the attention of the little girls and males

Her heart is like sugar, always so sweet

The cinnamon flavored goodness on every tongue she greets

Her eyes like drops of chocolate, rich to the core

One taste of her glance and you'll keep wanting more

She's irredecent, much like the stars

But even their glow could never reach as far

When she laughs all the worlds ears are tickled

The thunder of her hysterics could make the rain no longer trickle

Though she is an angel and to be shared with the world

I am a wanton so selfish, who's mind has been whirled

"She belongs to me" I say waving my pride in the faces of spectators

No one could take her away. No tyrants or even dictators

She is the love of my life and my giver of breath

She will always be first until time shows me death

But even then, when I reach heaven's gate

I would know too well that the hour is late

She belongs with the gods, singing in the garden

Not with an unworthy soul, so I'll ask for pardon

Pardon from my selfish thoughts of keeping her with me

The goddess of beauty deserves to be free

But that time has not come and she is still here

We will raise a glass to the queen and cheer

Long live the greatness of your reign

Let the world be flowered by your wondrous rain

Long live your beauty and poise and grace

May the world come to know the beauty of your face

This is our tale, to the one we hold dear

We hope the goddess will always be celebrated year after year


Idk what this is....I wrote it, I like it, it's staying.

I feel like shit and I'm going to bed


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