Dazzling Demon

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I remember the way he talks and laughs

And the way he holds his cigarette

How could I ever forget?

I can recall the glimmer in his eye when he's excited.

I can imagine the smirk pulling at the corners of his lips when he presses the Jack Daniel's to his mouth.

I'll never forget the way he spoke with his hands and ran his fingers through his hair when he was nervous.

No one else knew he was nervous.

He always pulled the "Danny Zuko" facade when there was an audience.

But I could see through the plastic, perfect mask.

He would never ask for help.

He could do everything himself.

And if he couldn't, he would bullshit his way though and act like he could.

His shirt would always be unbuttoned at the top; revealing his defined collar bones and tattooed neck.

His leather jacket hung over his shoulder and was hooked on by his fingers.

His back was firmly pressed against the wall with his left leg propped up on the bricks.

His chin was always up; always raised high for intimidation.

He glowed under the street light.

I remember how he puffed out his smoke and blew it in my face.

I would be annoyed by the gesture back then.

But now, I crave for the gray smoke to intoxicate my face, slipping into my mouth, between my lips.

I used to be opposed when he shoved me up to the wall and pressed against me.

He would leave a trail of kisses from my neck to my mouth.

I would do anything to have those bitter, cinnamon love bites racing up and down my neck.

His sparkling, sugar eyes burned brighter then the fire's light.

His strawberry, sticky, sweet tongue traced my lips.

Looking back, I hated that handsome son-of-a-bitch.

But I'll be damned if he didn't make my girlhood tremble.

I'd be a liar if I denied my lipstick on his collar.

And I'd be a hypocrite if I ignored our pleasure stains on my mattress.

I won't forget the beautiful bastard.

I won't forget the midnight calls and uncontrollable desires in the backseat of his car.

His memory is forever carved into my mind.

I will never forget the dazzling demon that consumed my summer nights.

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