BYR(before you read): Keep an open mind
"I'm not married to these boys. And I'm most likely not getting married to them. Everyone in high school talks about how their "in love" and all that shit, but do you really expect to be with that person with the rest of your life? No. It's stupid. The idea of "dating" in high school is completely different from "dating" in the real world. Almost every chick flick movie is about a girl dating a bunch of guys to try and find that right one. But God forbid I date two guys, or even two girls, in high school. Like god damn. I don't understand what the problem is. If neither of the boys know and I have a close friend to keep me in check I can have them both at the same time."
"But isn't that like cheating?"
"No. Well I mean yeah I guess, but I'm not married or engaged. It's not like I'm tearing a big part of my life. It's high school! None of it matters in a few years. Who gives a shit if I wanna kiss two boys and then go out and fuck a girl? I don't understand what the problem is."
"But it defeats the purpose of boyfriend and girlfriend."
"The purpose of boyfriend and girlfriend is limiting. It's not letting me date. It's letting me be labeled to one person. And if I go and try to label myself with another person, I'm a slut. It's stupid how close minded high school is. I can't wait to leave."
"But don't you want to just be with one person?"
"Yeah, when I find the one person that doesn't make me want to date other people."
"But what about the other one in the relationship? Don't you think they would be upset if you were...."cheating" or whatever you wanna call it."
"What they don't know won't hurt them."
"Well what if you're committed to someone and they go out and date other people."
"Then I guess I shouldn't rely on them to be my spouse. And besides if we were both in love, neither us in the relationship would doubt it. We would feel the connection and we wouldn't jeopardize it. A relationship takes two. If there's only one in it then it doesn't work no matter how much you "love" them."
"But what if you're married and your spouse cheats. Is that excusable now?"
"No. Of course not."
"That's sounds hypocritical."
"It's not. In marriage you make a promise. It comes with loyalty and commitment. If you can't do it then you shouldn't be married."
"This all seems pretty flexible."
"What do you mean by that?"
"It seems easy to bend the rules of your relationships. Like nothing is set in stone. The rules would only apply in curtain circumstances, not all the time with every relationship."
"Well yeah. The rules should be bendable and up for discussion. It's not just me who has a set of rules. Anyone who I get with has their own set of rules. I can't have mine set in stone because then I become close minded and nonnegotiable. And that's not how I am in a relationship."
"I mean I guess."
"It's how everything should work. If you only think one way and have expectations about everything, you'll end up unhappy in your life because you expect everything to be your way."
"But it's good to have everything you want."
"Yeah? And when does anyone get everything that they want? When does that ever happen? Never. No one gets everything they want. It's impossible actually."
"A lot of people think they get everything they want in life."
"And it's those people who were open to options and bendable rules and freedom. It's those people who found the most happiness because they knew that they can't always get what they want. And in that knowledge, they got everything they wanted."
"That's confusing."
"So is geometry but we still have to do that shit."
That's my serious and honest opinion. Sorry not sorry.
Love you my darlings
Tales of a Neverland Lost Girl
Fiksi UmumThese are a collection of short stories, poems, monologues and whatever else I like that have been trapped in my head for a while. Xoxo