Chap 7: Eugenzel date

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"Eugenzel date"


"You... what!?!?" Jack asked frustratedly. It's currently dismissal and we're standing with each other and I told him about me and Flynn's date.

"Jack, for the tenth time, I'm having a date with Flynn!" I said with a little bit of excitement.

He pouted. "It's unfair..." He muttered.

Author: Agree.

"Why?" I asked, raising a brow.

"Because you promised me that we play video games in my house in 5pm." He answered.

Author: *nod* Yep. Agree.

I gasped, because I forgot about it. "Jack, I'm so sorry. But... this is my first time to have a romantic date with someone. And playing video games with you was like... 150th time." I apologized.

I suddenly felt someone held my shoulders. Flynn. I turned around and it's him. "Oh, hey..." I waved slightly.

"Me. You. Date. 5pm. Vikings." Flynn reminded.

Author: *laughs nervously* Heh... that's one of my favorite restaurants tho...

He suddenly glanced at Jack and smirked. "Looks like you lose, Jackass..." Flynn teased. I just laughed, because I thought it's just a joke. Jack rolled his eyes.

Author: Not funny, Flynn... -_-

Flynn left us. "Oh, uhmm... I gotta go too. M-my little sister needs me to go home now." Jack excused.

I laughed. "Okay bye." As I left as well, since I'm gonna prepare my dress for my date.


I reached my room as I automatically went in my walk-in closet. Cool? I know right!

Author: Yep.

I saw a green glittery sleeveless dress that reaches the half of my lower leg. I remember mom gave it to me from my 13th birthday.

I yanked and wore it as I stared at the full body sized mirror.

It looks good in me! All I need is my shoes, makeups, and hair accessory. So, I pinned a green rose pin at the side of my hair.

I went downstairs and wore my green flats that is same color as my dress. Unlike before, I put extensions, mascara, eyeshadows, eyeliner, and other beauty product at my face.

I glanced again at the mirror, but I want the 'no makeup' me, but I already put it there, so no turning back.

"Rapunzel?" I heard mom called.

I turned around and saw mom. "Heyy... you wore the dress I gave you." She said mesmerizing me from head to toe.

"You look good. Where are you going?" Mom asked.

I blushed pink. "Going on a date, mom." I answered.

Author: Obviously...

She widened her eyes. "With... Jack?" Mom asked, flabbegasted.

I shook my head. "No. With my new friend Flynn." I answered.

Author: *pout* Aww... I thought you're gonna say yes.

"Ohh... next time, introduce him to me, okay?" Mom asked.

"Okay. Bye!" I responded and left.

I went in the Vikings and automatically saw Flynn.

"Heyy..." I said with a smile as I sat down in front of him.

"You look gorgeous, Rapunzel." He complimented.

Author: Hate you!

"Thanks." I muttered.

"Welcome to the Vikings resta--" the waiter said and suddenly stopped.

I glanced at him, wondering why he stopped, but I stared at him, shocked. "P-puccih? Y-you work here?" I asked, dumbfounded.

Author: Unexpected!!!

He's wearing a white long polo, dress pants, and black bow. He's holding a tray with 2 menus on it.

I can't stop calling him Puccih, because calling him like that...

Reminds me of...


"First of all, I'm Hiccup. Second, Yes, I work here. Lastly, you're having a date with him? Why not Jack?" He said.

Author: *laughs* You go, Hicky Picky! He ships Jackunzel too!

Flynn shotted him a death glare, but Puccih ignored it anyway. I just laughed ackwardly. "No, Puccih... Jack is more of a friend for m--" I explained, but I felt a sting on my head, so I didn't finished my sentence.

Author: Go sting! Heh...

He sighed. "Welcome to Vikings restaurant. May I take your order?" He asked swiftly.

I glanced at the menu. "I would like... err... Roasted Turkey?" I ordered.

"Same." Flynn said shortly.

"Okay..." as he left with the menus.

Author: Hey sunshines! I know I know I'm sorry. Terribly.

I swear to you, sunshines, that I, Svetlana Sangster, the gorgeous WT writer will pledge that this story ends in Jackunzel... and Mericcup.

Okay, so, I liked Hiccup here in this chappy because he thought Rapunzel dates Flynn, and that's kinda dork and funny.

That's all. Bye! *disappears*

*appears again* P. S. Remember to Comment, Share, and Vote. Follow me also. Heh... *disappears again*

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