Chap 19: Drunk

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When I got in Flynn's car, since his car doesn't have a lock, I went in there with Jack and both of us sat on the backseat.

There, I hugged my legs up and bawled myself out.

"P-pun-zie..." I heard Jack muttered.

I glanced down to him, and his eyes are half closed and his head jerked at me. "Jack, don't bother me. I'm not in the mood." I told him sternly.

"S-so-rry... J-jus-st w-wan-na te-ll yo-ou s-some-th-ing..." He muttered again.

I sat up straight and leaned my forehead against the glass window, followed by a heavy sigh. But I felt something heavy on my lap.

I looked down and saw Jack's sleepy head. My tears brimmed even worse and it all fell down on his hair, which doesn't bother him.

"I'm so sorry, Jack." I sobbed, my mascara and my tears and continued to fall down. "I'm so sorry for everything."

"No need to sorry, Punzie. I should be sorry, because I kept all my secrets by myself." He responded, little bit woozy.

He put down his feet and sat beside me, trying to straight himself up, but failed.

I wiped my eyes, so he won't realize that I'm crying. "Punzie, we've been best friends, since, well, forever, and I can't help but feel... jealous..." he said.

"Jealous?" I whispered/asked and he nodded.

Author: Yep, you heard what the Frost said. Jealous...

"I've been acting weird since Elementary days, because I had this thing called... crush on you. I was about to court you that time, but then, your mom told me that... we're just friends, and I accepted it and pretended that it's fine for me, even it hurts for me deep inside. Although, when I knew that you're dating Flynn, I felt nothing except the fact of feeling heartbroken..." he paused.

"...and when our friendship got over, It makes my heart break even worse. Rapunzel, I like like you." He added.

When a person is drunk... more secrets to reveal...

Jack... likes me!?

Author: Yes! Yes he do!

My eyes stood wide. "I had a question. Why'd you both broke up with Elsa?" I asked, still shocked.

His head soon leaned against my shoulder, which made me blush a little. "Punzie... I just used Elsa to move on from you, and to lose my feelings for you, but that didn't worked out. My love for you is too hard to break and too hard for you to understand. So I early broke up with her, before she got clingier to me." He explained.

Author: aww...

So, she broke up with Elsa...

Who's my cousin...

Because of me!?

Then before he closes his eyes again, a small teardrop fell from his eye and I heard... 4 words...

4 truthful words...

4 words that I'll always cherish right in my heart...

"I love you, Punzie."

Author: Feeeeeelzz!!!!

My jawdropped, flabbergasted. Unexpected for him to say it.

"But..." then his tears started to brim down again. "...why can't you return it back to me?"

Author: Dramatic much, eh Jack?

"Jack..." I started, but paused when I heard the rain falling down. The best time to go home...

I shook my head off. "Don't worry Jack. I'll get you home." As I sat down on the driver seat, leaving him laying on the backseat.

Author: Hey fellas! Woah, there's many feels there.

Lemme take a little time to let it all out...


Okay, I'm fine now. Bye! *disappears*

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