24. Here We Go Again

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--> edited 2.8.15

Chapter 24— Here We Go Again

My jaw dropped. “What?” I whispered shocked.

A crash sounded somewhere near me but I couldn’t tell what it was. Had one of them, for some peculiar reason, gone on a rampage from the information?

I groaned.

I swear, someone just punched me in the gut and knocked all of the wind out of me. I really don’t understand why it shocked me so much. Obviously they must have been out there somewhere, right? Granted not my parents but someone had to, didn’t they?

Okay, now I’m really confused. I feel a bruise about to form on my abdomen. I looked down and saw my body was at an odd angle. As if I’d fallen over.

Oh crap! Did I pass out?!

C’mon Audrey. Wakey-wakey! I need to hear about this! Come on!

I heard shouting. Jordan was livid. He was fighting someone, although I wasn’t sure who it was.

I felt myself being picked up but I couldn’t tell whom. I think it was Cody.

He ran us to the tree-line, Ara on our heels. Julian had Hannah and Hannah had Tori. Where they grabbed her from—or why for that matter—I couldn’t tell you.

I smelt large amounts of blood. I wanted to throw up everything that was in my stomach. I felt bile burn my throat.

I heaved until I was sweaty, shivering, and yet still unconscious. I wish someone would just smack me awake.

Peyak! She groaned. I guess she was just as groggy as I felt.


Slap me! I yelled urgently and somewhat eagerly. No more blood shall be spilt from my side if I could help it.

That’s preposterous! She argued

Just do it! She sighed and I felt an ache in my cheek. There was no literal smack, just the dull aching that comes along after.

Again! I urged. She repeated the action twice before the world tipped and swirled around my line of vision and with a groan I was able to sit up.

I was alone and sitting against a tree. I saw a fight near the house. I sniffed.

Rogues. I stood up and stomped toward the fight. I shifted and barreled towards one that was about to lunge for Jordan. I ripped his throat out and spit out the blood. Jordan nudged my side.

I huffed. Geez, I’m not that delicate. Sure, he is my mate—well, one of them—and I’m flattered that he’s worried about me but, come on!

I joined the fight and when there were no more rogues, Julian and I volunteered to run the perimeter.

That was the last thing I remember doing before I was once again put under because some idiot decided to knock me out. All I smelt was my blood mixing with the sweet-but-deadly scent of wolfsbane before I was pulled under by the tendrils of unconsciousness.

I sat up, realizing that I was chained to a cold, concrete wall. I blinked my eyes a few times trying to adjust to the darkness of the cell. There was a drain in the center of the room. I almost threw up again thinking of what that must be meant for.

There were no windows and the only light source was a small hole in the ceiling that revealed the pale half moon. I recognized the cell quickly seeing as I’d spent a week in here once before. We were once again captured by the Rogue Camp.

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