8. Get Away From Her!

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Chapter 8

 Audrey's POV

“Audrey!” Grace. Tyler’s probably nearby. Great.

“Hey” I greeted. She smiled with such sincerity that I couldn’t not smile back.

“You okay?” she asked “This has to be a lot of information. And sudden too. I’m sorry you had to find out like that.” No need to explain, I knew exactly what she meant.

I shrugged. “Yeah. I guess. I’m a little weirded out. But more angry.” I said shooting her a pointed look.

She dipped her head. “I’m sorry. What do you say after school we hang out?” I nodded. “Good. There’s a lot to tell.”

“Grace, do I even want to know? I’m human,” An awkward one with new abilities, but still. I am human. “This isn’t my world. Why do I have to be roped into it? I’d much rather pretend I never saw that yesterday.” I’ll talk to Jordan too. He’s a werewolf, but it isn’t my world. I don’t belong there and I don’t plan on going. If I can pretend I never knew anything about it, maybe things…No. Things can never go back to normal. But maybe I can at least try.

“You may not have a choice.” She whispered under her breath. I doubt she even meant for me to hear. But with my suddenly improved hearing, I picked it up. Clear as a bell. That doesn’t mean it made sense though.

I was about to ask if I heard her correctly when someone hugged me from behind thoroughly ending our conversation. For now. I stiffened, I knew it was Tyler. I took a tiny sniff. I faintly smelled rainwater. But mingled with Jordan’s woodsy smell. What the heck? I stepped away from Tyler looking for Jordan, ripping out of his grasp. He couldn’t be here could he? I looked frantically around, whipping my head back and forth. Possibly giving myself whiplash. I didn’t see him, but I did smell him.

I turned back to my friend and supposed mate. Mate? Jeez. Now that’s a new concept.

“What are you looking for?” Grace asked. She sniffed before scowling, her eyebrows knitted together. She understood. Someone else’s scent. But where? Wait a minute. If Jordan knows about this stuff, he must’ve known the reaction it would have on Tyler if his scent was on me! Oh my God! That’s what he was doing! Jordan got his scent all over me. I know it!

Tyler did it too. But he was standing next to me in a flash. I jumped.

“Audrey. Whose scent is all over you? It’s wolf.” He was angry. Trying to keep himself calm. But suddenly something came to him. “It’s his isn’t it?” he said love filling eyes. His face read awe and amazement. “He got the wolf gene.” He said worry filling eyes. He sighed. “Well, it doesn’t matter, he’s still perfect because he’s ours. Um…Can I uh…Maybe…come see him? After school?” he asked his eyes pleading.

So he did want him after all. Sure. Like I believe that. Too late now. I felt like crying. Partially sad, but also furious. My face must have shown my thoughts. He grabbed my shoulders and stood less than arms length away from me. He looked me dead in the eye, he didn’t even blink.

“Audrey. You have to know I didn’t mean what I said before. I just didn’t want you to have to go through all the stress of a kid at fifteen. I thought it better to give him up for adoption. And I’m sorry.” He pulled me into a hug. I couldn’t help myself. I even had to resist the urge to kiss him. I hugged him back. He relaxed. When he breathed in deeply I couldn’t help but feel guilty. He thinks it’s his child’s scent. I started crying and pushed his chest so he’d stop. He was so surprised he did nothing to stop me. Grace’s eyes even widened. I took a step back to put more distance between us.

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