6. A New Audrey

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Chapter 6

Jordan’s POV

With my advanced hearing, I heard someone coming up. But running, so it can’t be Audrey, she’s in a car. And not Alex she won’t be home until Friday night. Liam with her. I walked into the foyer expecting to have to answer the door, when it flung open and someone—with alarming speed I might add, jeez this person runs fast—and threw themselves at me.

I staggered but regained my balance after a second. At first I figured it was a girl I messed around with a while ago (Long ago, I haven’t done that since I was probably 16 or 17 and figured out just how wrong it is.) because I didn’t recognize her scent. But looking down I saw it was my sweet and innocent little mate. Staining my shirt with salt water. What happened to her?! I’ll kill the guy! No one hurts my mate and gets away with it!

I could feel my control slipping; my wolf, Kitchi, was trying to push through to the surface. NO! Not with Audrey so close.

Stay back! Audrey’s too close! I warned Kitchi

Don’t you think I know that you idiot! Smell her!

What do you mean?

Just smell her dammit!

I sniffed and froze. Who the hell’s scent is that?! Some guys scent is all over her! Her usual cinnamon scent is tinged with…rain? (A/N Tyler's scent smells like rainfall and rainwater. Like when you go outside right after it rains. Anyway, enjoy the story!) Wait! I don’t know anyone with a rain scent. It’s not common. Unlike my woodsy scent which three out of ten wolves will have. There can be small differences in it, like some may be a rainforest, or like dirt and grass, or mine which is just a traditional woods scent. I can get lost or confused easily. Perfect.

But even worse, the scent on her is a wolf’s scent. I know there are other packs nearby, we share land with the small, yet dangerous, Greenhedge pack. And the Moonshadow pack is next door.

Now you understand!? Kitchi growled at me. Our mate is being played with! Fix it!

What do you expect me to do? Follow her to school!

No idiot! Try talking to her! Audrey’s a reasonable person! Maybe she’ll tell you. He ended with a whisper.

I’ll try. I promised. With a huff of gratitude, he was silent after that. Kitchi’s very sensitive about his mate. They always are. But my wolf seems to be extra possessive. I don’t know why, but little things are huge to Kitchi. He didn’t want me to send her to school but it was for her own good. But I’m starting to regret it. Maybe I should’ve listened…No! What am I saying! I could be overreacting! Not to the messing with my mate, that will be dealt with severely. But I have to trust my mate could handle herself with out me by her side 24/7. As much as I’d want to be there. She does need some space. Some. I can’t handle being away from her for too long. It’d be unbearable!

I wouldn’t be able to think of anything else, do anything without her, be anything without her. She’s my everything. And I love her. And while it probably isn’t in the same way, she loves me too. But for now, that’s all I ask for.

But if boys are all over her, especially wolves, I may have to move things quicker than I expected. But how? Obviously not the time for mating, but maybe I can claim her? Claiming is just, well it’s exactly that. Claiming her. Telling others to leave her alone.  And it’s not permanent; it just buys me some time. About two weeks. Then I’d have to do it again. But if I do it too many times, it’ll stay for less and less time. Eventually I’d be lucky for it to last five minutes before fading back to the color of her beautifully tanned skin.

But a big problem is until it disappears the two of us would be in physical pain if we strayed too far away from one another. Too far being about 10 yards. Any farther and we’d become more and more vulnerable. By 20 yards we’d both collapse from weakness and most likely pass out from the pain. It’s too much for even an Alpha to handle. There’s nothing stronger than a mate bond.

All in all, would there even be a point? Most couples skip that part, most would actually mate fully within the day. So was it even worth it?

As I pondered this I noticed her looking at me. I sniffed again and the rain scent was still ever-present. I scowled and she mirrored my expression.

            “What happened?” I asked her. She seemed taken aback.

            “Me?” she asked dragging out the word. “I could ask the same thing Mr. Grumpypants.” Ha. Very mature Audrey.

            “Please do enlighten me Audrey. What happened at school that made you come running home crying.” She stiffened and her breathing sped up, all the playfulness forgotten. What happened?!

Audrey’s POV


            Do I tell him? No, he’d freak out. Then if he found out about how Tyler was acting around me, he’d go all big brother on me and try to hurt him. At least. He could do worse I’m sure of it. Looking at his muscles I figure he could take on a ten-ton elephant and win. He noticed me checking him out and I blushed a little.

            “Like what you see my darling?” Darling? Odd, but I guess in a brotherly way it made sense. Right? Besides, at least the subject changed. He chuckled.

            “As if. Darling.” I said sarcastically. The first part did too, much to my dismay, and that could give him the wrong idea. A girl you see as a sister with a crush on you? Yikes.

            The problem is I do think he looks good. He’s handsome beyond belief! No, scratch that. Jordan is hands-down sexy. From his hair to his smell. Everything about him screams ‘Take me now.’ I inhaled a little and he laughed again.

            “Sure you do.” He said chuckling. He seemed a little confused when he noticed me smelling him. Not that I blame him, it’s got to look weird. “Do I stink?”

            “Just the opposite. New cologne? Cause its flat up sexy.” I laughed and he looked very pleasantly surprised. Then returned to confusion.

            “You smell it? Um, describe the scent for me.” That is odd, but I obliged.

            “Woods. Like pine and fresh air.” He was shocked. He looked me up and down like he expected me to do what Tyler did. Was it that weird for me to smell his cologne?

            But what am I going to do? I can’t tell him. Can I? No, he would probably send me to the wacky shack. I am not delusional. Am I? It would explain things at least to some degree. Like Tyler “shifting”, my skin color, or my new speed, vision, hearing, and smelling. Yeah, that’s right; my senses have intensified as well.

            What’s going on!?

“What?” he wasn’t angry. Just confused. But his voice was really different. I looked up and wished I hadn’t.

            My face paled and I ran to my room. What was that?! I could’ve sworn an image of a wolf’s head appeared in Jordan’s eyes! Call me crazy, but it sure looked like it! I’ve got to get out of here! Not for good, obviously, but I need some space. I grabbed a pair of clothes and hopped out the window. Even after three years, I’ve still got the knack for it.

            I ran to school to pick up my car. I didn’t know where I was going, but apparently my body did. I pulled up to the parking lot and ran to room 174. I knocked and she answered. Thank God!


 "Kitchi" means brave in Algonquin (a native american language)

song of the moment: Written in the stars- Tinie Tempah ft. Eric Turner

picture: Jordan (Chace Crawford)

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