Talk Dirty to Me

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Chapter Seven

Talk Dirty to Me

Conner’s hosting a party tonight at the beach. Pic u up at 7 :)

            I was worried ever since I’d received that text from Todd last night. It had taken me several minutes to reply and even longer to make up my mind.

            Would Todd really be okay at the beach? Didn’t we still have our agreement?

            But I quickly shook the thought. I didn’t have time to worry about the party. I had some blackmail to deliver today.

            After figuring I couldn’t switch patients, or simply quit, I decided something had to change. I refused to put up with that jerk for the rest of the summer. If I were to keep myself sane, I was going to get what I wanted. I had to.

            Inside the room, Anthony lay on his bed, glaring up at the ceiling. I stared, before taking a deep breath and walking up to him. Once I was beside the bed, and uncomfortably close, I opened my mouth.

            “I’m sorry.”

            Anthony’s head shot in my direction, for the first time taking interest in what I had to say. I stared at him, not used to the feel of his hazel eyes watching me, like two magnets that pulled you in.

            I let out a rigged breath. “I get it. Really. You don’t want me here, and if I had a choice, I wouldn’t exactly be spending my time in a hospital either.” I looked away, finding it difficult to stay focused when he actually stared at me. “So, I’ll make you a deal.”

            Though he was obviously listening to me now, he didn’t say a word. All I got was a wordless gaze, maybe even more stunning than anything he could have said.

            “If you really want me gone, I’ll tell Ms. Farrell. She’ll get me to switch patients.” He continued staring at me, an almost distrustful expression forming. “But…” I started, thinking carefully about my words. “If you don’t want to go through the hassle of having to torture another unlucky soul, I suggest you start talking.” I closed my eyes. “I want to help you, Anthony. Let me be your nurse.”

            I opened my eyes, and Anthony wasn’t staring at me anymore. He wasn’t laughing or ignoring me, or even glaring.

            He was smiling.

            I could feel my heartbeat through my chest, thumping like drums as I waited in the longing silence.

            “All right.”



            I grinned as I left Anthony’s room, my thoughts the happiest they’ve ever been at the hospital. I can’t believe Anthony fell for that! I gave him a choice that was completely in his hands, and he takes the one to my advantage.

            I should get an award for best female actress.

            As I made my way to the cafeteria for lunch, my thoughts kept straying to Anthony. So much had happened in those few minutes, so much more than in the past week. He had actually listened to me, smiled, and even spoke.

            “All right.”

            The words seemed to echo in my brain, his first real response to me. I wondered now, what else I could possibly hear him say.

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