Cat Fight

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Chapter Thirty Six

Cat Fight

“Wait, slow down.” Kimberly took the cigarette out of her mouth, blowing out an air of smoke. “You broke up with Todd?”

“Yes,” I answered for about the tenth time. We stood under a lamppost; our only bit of light in the night sky.

“And you’re not, like, getting back together?” Abi asked from the bench.

I glared. “How many times do I have to say it? Yes, I broke up with Todd. No, we’re not getting back together.”

They both stared at me as I took deep breaths, trying to calm myself. The smoke swirled around me. I’d never been so irritated by it in my life.

“We’re just surprised,” Abi answered, texting on her Iphone. “I mean, you and Todd have been together forever.”

“I had to let him go. He’s in love with someone else.”

Kim stared at me, raising an eyebrow. “And you’re just giving up?” She shook her head. “The Kayla I know wouldn’t give up Todd if Jason himself came after him.”

“Well, I’ve changed.” The smell continued to choke me. “And can you stop smoking?"

"It never bothered you before."

"It does now."

"Calm down." Kimberly took one last puff and crushed the cigarette under her toe. "Ever since the beginning of summer you've been extremely whiny."

"What? I'm not whiny."

"You've been nagging everyone, Kayla. You won't let anyone smoke-"

"Do you want charcoal lungs?"

"-and you keep saying how dangerous everything is and how stupid we are-"

"I never called anyone stupid!"

"Ever since you took that stupid job at the hospital you've been pestering everyone."

"It’s not a stupid job," I said fiercely.

Kim laughed. "Really? Because two months ago you were telling me how lame it was and that the only reason you even signed up was to go with Todd to London.”

“Kim,” Abi warned, glancing over her phone.

Kim continued. “Of course, you always were bitchy with anything that had to do with that guy."

I wanted to punch her. My hand was actually formed in a fist at the side of my thigh, prepared to send those blue eyes reeling back into her head.

“I bet the real story is that you’ve found someone better and you’re leaving Todd for him. You always were a slut.”

I grabbed Kimberly by the hair, dragging her down by the high bun. Kim screeched and reached for my arms, digging her manicured nails into my flesh. Her hair tie fell out and dyed blonde extensions fell into my hands. I yanked and they snapped off her head.

“Bitch!” she screamed when I threw the extensions aside. Kim’s hair was about shoulder length on one side, the other down to her waist. She lunged at me, knocking me onto the concrete. I pushed her to the side and sat on her.

I’m the slut?” I demanded, blocking her hands that came up to hit me. “I’ve only been with one guy my entire life! You’re with a different guy every week! You want to know why guys always leave you? Why you never keep their interest? It’s because you’re easy.”

Kim elbowed my side and I cringed, falling over. She got on top of me and punched my cheek. Then she punched me again and I cried out as the pain throbbed against my skull.

“Kim. Stop!” Abi grabbed her fist mid-air, standing beside both of us. Kim looked down at me and glared, standing up to grab her hair extension.

"Kayla..." Abi sighed as I got up and walked away.


I slammed Anthony's door hoping it would be empty like it usually is. Unfortunately, Anthony stood beside the bed, raising an eyebrow at me. "Did you just get into a fight?"

"You ruined everything," I growled.

Anthony glared. "What are you talking about?"

I stomped over so I could hate those gray eyes close up. "Ever since I got here, I've hated it. You. This stupid job. Everything! And now, because of you, I’ve lost all my friends.”

Anthony frowned. It occurred to me that he didn’t remember me and didn’t have a clue about what I was saying, but I was too angry to care. "It’s not my fault you have a loud mouth,” he said at last.

I clenched my teeth, spitting out a word every shove I gave him to the chest. "Then. Whose. Fault. Is. It?"

I had driven Anthony back into a wall. When he finally decided he'd had enough, he took my hands and held them together, forcing me to meet his harsh gaze. "I never asked for you to care about me."

"No, you just drove me near insanity!" I struggled to rip my hands out of his.

"Have you ever thought that maybe all this is your fault?"

"How can that be when you're the cause of it?"

We were struggling with one another until Anthony leaned down. He kissed me, long and hard on the mouth, and it annoyed me that I'd allowed this to happen–allowed myself to play his games. Where along the weeks of glares and arguments did I allow Anthony to creep into my heart?

It wasn't a loving kiss. This one was filled with anger and frustration and demand. I could taste the aggravation on his lips like a rocket ready to explode. I was the missile and he was the solid fuel. Without him, I couldn’t fly.

When he released me, I nearly fell back, catching the bed for support.

I wiped my mouth. "Where are you going?" I demanded when he stomped toward the door.

The door-frame trembled when he slammed the door, leaving me to my bad mood.


I found myself curled up in my bed with several questions. We probably had our last kiss and it meant absolutely nothing. Why did Anthony kiss me? He didn’t remember anything, and yet…

I touched my lips, trying to figure him out. I hated him and yet I didn’t. Kimberly was right. I had changed. But was this a good thing or bad?

Someone knocked on my door and it squeaked open.

“I don’t want to hear it, Noah,” I mumbled under my bed sheet.

“It’s a good thing your brother’s out then.”

I sat up to see the timid face of Tami smiling. “I…I don’t mean to intrude,” she apologized, walking into the room. She took a seat beside me on the bed. “I heard what happened and I thought maybe you wanted to hang out.”

I rubbed my eyes, trying to wake myself up. “Let’s go,” I muttered in a raspy voice. “Let’s have some fun.”

Sorry that this chapter is extremely late and completely rushed. I have so many things going on for graduation! I'm graduating high school. I feel so old LOL.

Well, I hope you are all still interested in hearing about Kayla and Anthony! Comments for this chapter? :)

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