Sneak Peek

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Hey guys, I realize I haven't been updating in a while and its partly because I've been trying to edit His Antidote. There are a lot of character personalites I want to development and scenes I wanted to add, but because I have so much to change I've decided I won't post anymore chapters on wattpad until I've finished the story. I have high hopes for this story and eventually I'd love to have it published. I'm hoping by then you will all still support me and stick around to find out what happens to Anthony and Kayla.

I know it wasn't very nice to spring this news on you guys all of a sudden, so I thought I'd let you see this sneak peek from the edited version of His Antidote. It's the little bit of Anthony and Kayla I know you were all missing.

(Scene takes place right after chapter 20: Echo)

"Look, its great that you want to live for something, but I don't want to be that reason."

"What? You're not thrilled I'm staying alive for you?"

"Are you kidding? Why would I be happy after that stupid stunt you pulled? If I left, you'd go all hunger strike on me again and I refuse to be the reason you end up nearly killing yourself." I picked up my bag from the chair and tossed it over my shoulder. "Now I am going to take you out and you are going to like it."

Anthony grinned. "Is this your way of asking me out on a date?"

"It's not a date and you don't have a choice. You want to find a reason to live? I'll give you a thousand."


"And how is going out to dinner not a date?" Anthony asked from the other side of the booth.

"I'm hungry and I'm sure you want to eat something other than that hospital crap," I said, keeping my eyes on the menu.

He frowned. "I do go out, you know."

"But I doubt you've been here."

"Why do you say that?"

I quickly glanced around the resturant. It was filled with lively teenagers and families with kids, running and screaming in delight. It was very easy for me to tune them out, but only because I was used to the noise. "It doesn't seem like your scene," I answered, looking back at him.

"But it's yours," he stated.

"Yeah, I go here with Todd a lot."

Anthony's eyes narrowed. "I'm not talking about Todd. I'm talking about you."

It was my turn to narrow my eyes. "Look, I'm not going to have another conversation with you on why we shouldn't date. Just pick something to eat already."

Anthony laughed. "For someone who's trying to help me, you sure have a weird way of showing it."

The waitress showed up a few minutes later and we were able to order both our drinks and meals. "It may be a while," she apologized. "We're packed."

After she left, Anthony leaned over the table towards me. "So when are these thousand reasons to live going to show up?"

"I figured it would be a lot easier to experience them rather than me tell you what they are. You're pretty stubborn when it comes to me proving you wrong."

"Who says you're always right?"

"Clearly you need a reality check." I lowered my voice to say, "You were starving yourself when I left."

Anthony ran a hand through his brown hair. "Aren't girls usually crazy about that romantic crap? It happens in all those books."

"Yeah, but those girls are usually stupid and end up getting themselves killed. How is dying romantic?"

"I take it you're not a fan of Shakespeare."

I made a face. "Not only were the characters stupid, but I couldn't understand one word in that book. And seriously, who falls in love at first sight?"

"So your not romantic with your boyfriend?"

"I love Todd, but I wouldn't want him to die for me," I stated. "If some guy had a gun pointed at me, I'd tell Todd to leave my ass behind and save himself. Its like those movies where the killer promises he'll let the girl live if the guy does as he says when we all know he's just going to kill them both. The couple would have a better chance at getting shot from the beginning rather than letting the killer get what he wants."

He leaned back with a puzzled look on his face. "That's rather...morbid of you."

"I'm just being honest. It sucks when the bad guy wins."

Anthony laughed. "You know, sometimes it sounds like your ideas are actually going somewhere, and then I get an answer like this."

I shoved Anthony's shoulder, rolling my eyes. "Oh, shut up."

Anthony caught my wrist, holding it hostage. My heart dropped into my stomach. "You're crazy," he tilted his head to the side, "but I like that."

I yanked my wrist free, frowning. "What does a girl have to do to disgust you?"

Anthony grinned. "Probably die for me."

So, what do you guys think of the revision? :)

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