You're Kind of Hot

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Chapter Sixteen

You’re Kind of Hot

When I got home, I couldn’t do it anymore. I managed to get inside, having Mom and Dad greet me, then burst into tears. Everything weighed down on me at once and I couldn’t take it anymore. Dad kept trying to get me to say something as Mom held me in her arms. I continued to cry.

When I stopped crying I dragged myself to my room, exhausted. I hadn’t even been able to bring myself to eat something, so Mom’s feast went to waste. As I curled into bed the door opened, and Noah rushed in, breathless.

“Hey, Kay,” he used his greeting I haven’t heard since we were little. “Are you alright?”

I nodded, not really in the mood to talk. I wanted to sleep I was so tired and the longer Noah took the longer I’d have to stay up. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I still hadn’t managed to get all the mascara off.

“Yeah,” I stated. My voice sounded hoarse. I didn’t feel as bad after crying, but something still throbbed in my chest.

Noah sighed and took a seat on my bed.

“I’m sorry,” he started. “I never wanted you to go through this.”

My blinked, confused. “What are you…?”

Then I understood why everyone looked so wary. They thought I broke up with Todd; that it was finally over.

I clenched my hands into fists. “I’m still with Todd,” I hissed. “This has nothing to do with him,” I grumbled, turning away.

Noah was silent. “Then what’s wrong?”

I groaned. As if the only time I could be upset meant it had to do with Todd. Really, did I seem that heartless? “It’s Anthony. My patient at the hospital,” I said, not caring to add more. That boy annoyed me in more ways than one and yet I had a strange urge to comfort him.

Noah stared at me curiously, like he couldn’t believe what I was saying.

I raised any eyebrow. “What?”

“Nothing, just…” His mouth shut and curved into a smile. “You must be pretty in love with this guy to be that upset.”

I scoffed. “I am not in love with him!” I yelled, taking a pillow and hurling it at my older brother. He took the smack to the face, but laughed anyway. “I have a boyfriend,” I clarified, in case he’d forgotten.

Noah shrugged and stood up. “I never did like Todd.”


            To my surprise, Todd was at the restaurant when I walked in for work the next day.

            “Todd!” I exclaimed, rushing to give him a hug. He picked me up and spun me around till I laughed, just like in the movies.

            “Hey,” he stated, putting me down and giving me kiss. “I wanted to surprise you today, seeing as I never see my girlfriend anymore.”

            I flushed from happiness then remembered our last encounter. “Todd, look, about the other day…”

            But Derek and Conner managed to tackle him from behind and pull him out of my grasp. I watched as the guys shoved each other a bit, feeling oddly left out.

            “Who let the wolves out?” I smiled when Sage appeared beside me, a big pair of black sunglasses over her eyes.

            “So we’re hot now, huh?” Derek asked between the fighting.

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