I'm Obsessive Compulsive Crazy, Love

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Chapter Thirty Two

I'm Obsessive Compulsive Crazy, Love

It was weird to see Derek at the hospital, considering I’d only seen him at work or chugging beer down at a house party. He spoke quietly to the receptionist, dressed surprisingly nice in a white tee, leather jacket and fitting jeans.

The woman pointed in my direction and Derek turned to my stunned expression. He half ran over to me.

“Kayla, I need your help.”

“Uh, okay.” I was probably the last person Derek would ask for help from. I walked out of the cafeteria and into a secluded hallway.

“You’re friends with Tami, right?”


He turned, so fast I nearly bumped into him. The freckles along his cheeks stood out against the pink blush. “I want her.”


“I mean, to date her!” He quickly corrected. He roughly bit into his lip. “Do you think you could convince her?”

I overlooked Derek. He was pretty notorious for his careless, cocky attitude. And the moment he opened that big mouth some girl was smacking him in the face. Tami was an overachiever full of innocence. The daughter every parent approved of.

“Honestly, Derek. What’s the attraction? Because Tami doesn’t seem like your type.”

He glared. “She’s everything I’ve ever wanted.”

I blinked at his serious words and Derek immediately cursed, shaking his head.

“Look, I know this sounds crazy, but I think I really like her…I need to be with Tami.”

“Why do you need Tami?” I asked. I’d never seen Derek so desperate for anything, especially a girl. “This sounds a little obsessive, Derek. Especially for someone you haven’t even gone on a date with.”

Derek opened his mouth to answer, but at that moment Tami exited the cafeteria a couple of steps away from us. She froze when she saw Derek.

“Hey,” he said, his tone breathless.

“Hi,” Tami squeaked back shyly, trying to hide her red face behind blonde curls. “I’m kind of busy, so I’ll see you later, Kayla.” She took off running.

Sage’s laughter came out like a ghost. She came up to us, holding her sides. “What the hell did you do to Sunshine, Derek? Molest her?”

Derek glared. “I would never do that!” He shook his head. “Never mind. Forget it.” And stormed out.

Sage looked at me, raising her eyebrows. “Since when does Derek get offended? And over a girl?

            I sighed. And I thought I was having unrequited love issues.


            “You want me to help you get Tami and Derek together?” Sage asked with a sour face. We were sitting in the comfort of Kyle’s room, who was twitching and drawing with crayons.

            I kneeled beside Kyle, watching as he scribbled down a ball of yellow. “He seemed pretty desperate for my help.”

            Sage shook her head, pacing around the room. “This sounds like a bad teen drama just waiting to happen. Bad boy meets good girl?” She rolled her eyes. “Count me out.”

            “You never know. Maybe she’ll change him.” I remember Derek’s flushed face when Tami passed by.

            “Or maybe Derek will change Tami into some attention whore. This has bad idea written all over it. Dark dominates light, Kayla.”

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