Random Snippet

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So it seems like I haven't updated in a while :/ I'm not nearly as far into the editing process as I'd like to say, so here's another little preview to keep you guys captivated.

"Let me guess. Your illness is lung cancer."

"You think I'd be out here smoking if I had lung cancer?"

I pulled the cigarette out of his mouth again. "Considering you know this fact, and are still attempting to smoke, yes. I'd say that possibility is highly probable." I flung the cancer stick to the ground.

Anthony let out a deep breath as a sign of annoyance, looking down at the distance between our shoes. "Does your dad smoke?"

"What?" I asked, a little thrown off by the personal question.

"Or did some relative of yours die from lung cancer?" He glanced back at me. "Is that why you're so pissed about me smoking?"

I actually didn't know anyone personally that had died from lung cancer. I was friends with Kim and she smoked on a daily basis, but that never bothered me. "This has nothing to do with me. You stay at a hospital, so you're obviously sick, and I doubt the doctor handed you a prescription of cigarettes."

"Since when do you care about my well-being?"

"I never said I cared!"

"You sure act like you do."

"I care about passing this program, and apparently I need you to do it," I grumbled, noticing that my tone had exceeded the range of inside voices. A couple had gone quiet as they walked passed us, watching in curiosity.

I shut my mouth, glaring at Anthony. He leaned back against the bike rack, looking completely impervious to my words. I was seriously debating if I should just take a step forward and push him so he fell on his ass. I probably would have laughed too, because I was so passed the point of anger that I was practically delirious.

"Thinking of ways to kill me?" He asked with a cold smile.

"Kill you?" I stepped back at the word. Any violent thoughts I'd imagined had leaped off my body like sky divers. "What kind of sicko do you think I am?"

"You had a murderous look in your eyes. I wouldn't be surprised if you were preparing your battle strategy."

"I may not be the nicest person in the world, but I'm not evil."

"You think you have to be evil to kill someone?"

I stared at Anthony, completely frozen. "What are you saying?" Maybe Anthony was actually borderline crazy, and I was having a rather loud conversation with some axe maniac. It would explain why he always glared at people and lived like a socially awkward teenage boy.

Anthony said, "What about the military? We've literally trained people to kill others. Do you think those people are evil?"


My face must have looked horrified because Anthony quickly dismissed the idea. "Don't worry. I'll be out of your way before you know it."

"Yeah," I looked at the ground, relieved. "I guess the program isn't that long." But I had a feeling he wasn't talking about the program at all.

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