Something New

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"So you're here because you wanted to see what's outside your little home?" Jason questions.

I nod in response.

"And you gave up all your luxuries just for that?"

This makes me laugh a little. "Well, I didn't know what I was expecting when I ran away. But yeah, I did."

He snorts. "If we didn't find you, you'd be dead. How on earth did you think you could just run away without any experience, food, or water and survive?"

My face begins to redden from embarrassment. How stupid can I be? Sometimes I surprise myself, but this is a complete shock. I'm speechless for a moment, so humiliated it makes me angry. I have nothing to prove to him. Who cares what he thinks?

"I'll figure something out, I guess. Let me go and I'll get out of your hair completely. Again, I'm sorry if I caused trouble," I mumble.

This makes Jason laugh. A hearty, genuine laugh, showing a mile of white teeth. "We don't send people out there to die. Admit it, you have no where to go. You're stuck with us, Kat."


"We'll get you changed into some suitable clothes. After that, you can drink some water and eat."

He leads me out of the door by grabbing my hand. I stumble a little at first, perplexed on what just happened. Minutes later, clothes are shoved into my arms and I'm sent to change.

They're extremely big on me, but I can't help but smile. I wear trousers and an oversized red sweatshirt. I've never worn a different color besides black and white before. Also, I've never worn clothes too big for me.

"So, why isn't there any kids or adults around here?" I ask.

"A disease came through and wiped out all the children and elderly 6 months ago. The oldest person here today is 19," Jason replies.


His smile fades slightly for a moment, his gray eyes filling with sorrow for a very split second. I'm good at reading emotions, since people aren't allowed to show many from inside the Wall.

"Here, you can have Naomi's boots. She grew out of them," he says.

"Why is everything so big?" I mumble as I find that the boots are slightly too big as well.

"Well, people are taller and more muscular here. You know, like actual people, instead of the dolls like you created by science."

Ouch. I guess I've never really noticed it before because I've only seen people like me. But it's kind of true. Girls are small and dainty looking, with big eyes and long eyelashes. A look that almost says, "you want to take care of me."

Boys are much taller, always have that strong chin and muscular posture. Each gender is genetically made to be the exact image and definition of masculine and feminine.

Jason hands me a wineskin full of water, which I drink gratefully. I stay silent for a while, the word 'doll' echoing through my head along with bitterness.

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