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Kat's POV

I'm stuck in my transparent, isolated cage once more. I don't see a human face for a long time. They speak to me through speakers.

"Katerina, today we're going to get rid of that device in your head. You'll finally be back to normal. At least, your brain will," Quinn says. Her voice is slightly muffled by static.

Rage fills my lungs. I don't know who's the good guy anymore. I don't know what's right or wrong. I don't know, I don't know, I DON'T KNOW.

A thought occurs to me. What if there are no good guys? I gulp, suddenly feeling sick to my stomach. Why are we here? What's the point of all this? Is there any purpose to life at all?

I pick up the empty glass that I just drank some water out of. I chuck it against one of the sides of my prison. The sound of it shattering isn't enough. I pick up my plate and do the same, but this time I imagine it being one of Quinn's limbs that I'm shattering. My hands become cut and bloody. Shards of glass stick out of them, but I take pleasure from the pain.

I sit in a corner of the room, my mutilated hands trembling violently. I let out a sob. It doesn't take long for several to wrack through my body.

The wounds in my hands begin to close, pushing out the pieces of glass as they do so. It's agony, but I don't so much as grunt. The pain helps me focus. I'm more alert. It eases my anger.

Not enough!

I take a large shard from the pieces and take a deep slice from my left arm. I cut it over and over, furious as my skin immediately starts to stitch itself back together.

"Just let me die already!" I scream.

"We're going to make you relax a little bit before we carry on with the procedure, okay?" Quinn's voice says through the speaker. It's masked with a fake kind of sweetness, like she's talking to a scared little kid.

I hold my breath, knowing that sedative gas is about to fill the place.

Quinn laughs. "Sweetie, that won't work. Just give up."

She's right. I'm only able to hold my breath three minutes long when the white gas fills the room. I gasp for air, but my lungs are filled with something sickly sweet instead. I choke on it, falling on to my hands and knees.

It only knocks me out for a few minutes. My immune system is already identifying the toxins they put into me.

Quinn gestures towards one of her minions/body guards. "Gag her, please. I'm not in the mood to hear profanity shout at me the entire time."

I jerk back and spit in her face before a cloth is stuffed in my mouth. It satisfies me a little, but not much. It's not enough.

A scary looking device is put over my head. I strain against my bonds in panic, protesting through my gag helplessly.

Quinn waves her finger at me as if I were a naughty child. "Now, that's not the right attitude. Don't you want to remember your friends again?"

My only real friend that I remember is Prosper, but I probably won't see him ever again. And the ones that I don't remember...

Well, Jason is dead.

I've got no one.

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