Screw It.

46 6 2

Jason's POV
Not Edited
After passing the threshold of our territory, I suddenly realize I have no idea where the heck I'm going.

"I have a map!" Scarlett chirps, waving a folded piece of paper in her hands.

I raise my eyebrows. "Seriously."

"Yeah! Hopefully, there's a city across those mountains and a little ways beyond that. Hopefully they're still there."

"And what if they're not?" Naomi questions.

"Then we're screwed," I reply dryly.

But the truth is, we're screwed either way. We'll die if we stay, and probably die if we don't. I'm going to go with the "probably."

I decide to think about taking down The Walls, killing all those bastards who stripped not only Kat away, but her personality and everything that makes Kat the way she is.

Doesn't matter. She's still mine. I still love her.

Two days. Agh, this is harder than I thought it'd be.

Three days. Winter winds are starting to get stronger as we head deeper into the mountains.

A week. We're half frozen to death and running low on supplies.

A week and two-- HOLY SHIT what the heck is that?

Nobody seems to notice the plume of smoke ahead, not that far away. Hell, they're barely keeping themselves on their feet.

If there was some sort of town, there'd probably be more than just little trail of smoke in the air. What's up with that?

Screw it. Whatever it is, it means humans. And humans means warmth and food. And warmth and food means not dying.

"W- we need a break. W- we could try t- to s- start a fire," Naomi begs, teeth chattering.

"I see smoke. I think we've made it," I reply. I try to give a reassuring smile, but my lips are so numb that I can barely move them to talk.

Yes, we did find what we were looking for. Except maybe we were expecting a friendlier greeting than being shot at.

A bullet whistles just past my ear. I hear someone yell in agony and drop into the snow.

"GET DOWN!" Naomi shouts. She didn't need to, everyone has already dropped like a fly, their hands over their heads.

She yells in protest as I don't comply. I still stand up, my hands up in surrender.

I give my best smile. "We have beef jerky."

"Idiot," I hear Scarlett groan behind me.

Hah. What else was I supposed to do? Everyone loves beef jerky? Am I right?

Let's hope they're not vegans.

The sniper glares at me through his scope, aim trained right at my heart. He's young, maybe in his 20's.

"Get on your knees!" He shouts.

I obey, doing it slowly as I keep my hands up.

And then I realize what's happening. They're guards to something miles away. And I bet that something is big and promising.

Author's Note-
I may be publishing a new book soon, so keep an eye for that! Thanks for everything and sorry for the slow updates

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