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Jason's POV

I don't want to see what's ahead. Images of mauled friends enter my mind, making me almost cringe on the outside. It's happened before.

Kat gives me a questioning look as I tightly grip on to her hand. I ignore it though. Whatever I'm about to see, I at least need someone with me. It sounds weak, I know. But I guess I'm just sick of being alone for so long.

But it isn't at all what I expected. Relief floods itself into my veins. A dead wolf lies a few feet away from Kat and I, its jaw wide open as if it were calling for help in its last moments.

I glance at Kat, who looks a bit relieved too, but mildly disturbed as well. She kneels down to study the corpse.

She points to its swollen belly, full of milk for only one reason. "Jason, she was a mother. We have to find the babies."

"And do what? Take them home? Forget it," I reply dryly.

"But they'll die on their own!"

"News flash, Kat. That's called reality. Get used to it."

"Fine. I'll find them by myself."

I shake my head furiously. "Are you deaf? I just said I won't allow them to be taken to camp!"

She ignores me, walking away and looking under logs and such. I groan, stumbling after her, knowing she can't protect herself in such a new environment.

"Kat, her babies could already be dead. She's obviously a lone wolf. If she wasn't, we'd hear howls nearby," I explain.

"Hold up! Shhh!" Kat gasps, putting a finger up to my lips. Sure enough, mournful whining is heard as a muffled sound. Kat's eyes light up with such delight it almost makes me smile.

She digs up twigs and leaves, revealing a small den that mothers usually make for their young so they are protected when they leave.

"There's only one," Kat murmurs.

"The mom is lucky if one survives a lot of times," I remark.

Kat wiggles into the den, murmuring soft and soothing words to the terrified animal.

I roll my eyes. "What a great idea. Stick your whole face into a wolf den and see what happens!"

Somehow, she's able to lure the pup out of the den. Just like its mother, its coat is pitch black, its eyes an icy blue.

"Jason, you can't just leave him to die. Besides, he's all alone. It's not like we're taking a whole litter back," Kat says excitedly, picking the wolf pup up and cradling it in her arms.

"Not gonna happen," I snap.

Her eyes begin to fill up with tears. It instantly makes me feel guilty.

"I just don't want you to get attached, that's all. What if it becomes vicious when it grows up? We'll have no choice but to put it back into the wild," I say, frantic to make those eyes see reason and not glare at me as if I'm some monster.

"I'm not going to let it die here," Kat retorts.

I roll my eyes. "Tough luck, because there is no way in hell it's coming with us."


She plops down on to the ground, her legs criss crossed as she cradles the animal. "But I'm not leaving without it."

I groan angrily and begin to pace. Kat watches with a satisfied look. That stubborn look that means she's not going to change her mind.

"Just be rational for a second! We already have enough on our plates. We don't need some dog walking around making us even busier than we already are," I snap.

"Huh. Last time I checked, we've been wondering around the woods all day. Doesn't sound very busy to me," she counters.

Long story short, we ended up taking the dog home. Or wolf, or whatever the heck it is. Doesn't matter.

But believe it or not, the anger seems to dull as the time passes by. I like to see her happy. I haven't felt that about anyone in a very, very long time.

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