Long Gone

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The song above is one of my personal favorites, but I think it also illustrates Kat's dream of freedom.

Jason's POV

My group and I are little kids again, huddled around a small television. It's the first time we've ever seen one in action.

"What's this called again?" I whisper to Carter.

"The Matrix," he whispers back.

"How fascinating!" Scarlett breathes. "Hundreds and hundreds of years ago and mankind was able to make something so complicated!"

"Well, they weren't exactly in primitive times," someone explains.

"Like us?" Naomi laughs.

About half of us snap towards them. "Shhhh!"

"Oh shit! That guy just dodged a bullet!"

The next person who talks is getting kicked out...

I'm wrapped in a blanket and have my eyes glued to the screen. I haven't had this much fun since Kat and I were together. (And not being tortured or running away from something that could potentially kill us).

I hear the squeak of the door opening, but don't bother to check. The movie is at its best part.

"Uhh... Jason?"

"That's it! Someone take Naomi and whoever else can't keep their mouth shut out," I order, still not peeling my eyes away.

"Jason..." Scarlett says.

"I'll kill you both, I swear."

Someone unplugs the TV. I bolt up angrily, and so does many of the others.

"Who did-- oh hey, Jason! Princess is here!" Carter says.

I whip around to face the door and find Kat standing there, petrified.

"Don't call her that," I snap at Carter.

Kat smiles awkwardly. "Feeling a bit forgiving at the moment?"

Just as she says that, the dim room glows red with an earsplitting shriek of an alarm. Kat curses under her breath.

"What are you doing here? Why are you in those clothes?" I ask eagerly, happier to see her out and about than curious about what on earth is going on.

"Just help me hide. Only for a few minutes," she pants.

"Oh sure, let's help the girl who has been trying to kill us! Smart!" Naomi growls.

"Kat isn't herself and you know it. It's not her fault and we'll fix her soon," I retort.

Kat's head swivels, alert. I notice her ears perk a little upward and it almost makes me laugh. It reminds me of an actual cat.

"They're here," she says.

"What? I don't hear anything," I say, but she slips herself into a closet. I lean against it, trying to act casual. We hear footsteps moments later.

Good hearing, I think.

Someone swings the door open frantically. It's about five guards, but I'm sure the rest are scoping out the rest of the massive building.

"Has one of those freaky soldiers passed into here?" A man asks.

"Freaky soldiers?" I repeat, grimacing.

He rolls his eyes. "A small, pretty girl with blonde hair, looks like a breeze could knock her down when really she could kill us all with her bare hands. I'm pretty sure you'd remember seeing her."

I shake my head. "Doesn't sound familiar. But good luck on your search!"

"Mind if I search the room?"

"Hah, we just told you we haven't seen her--"

"Move aside!"


He shoves me out of the way and slams the closet door open. "The four of you needs to split up and keep looking! I got this place. She may be strong, but she can't overpower a gun!"

Once the remaining of the guards leave, I close the door to the closet.


"What? Hands above your what?" Scarlett asks, eyes wide with confusion.

Patrick flicks her in the forehead. "Dumbass."

We wait a few minutes, listening to the yells and scuffles of their fight. Kat walks out shortly. She doesn't look injured at all, but her hair is a bit tousled.

"Is he dead?" I ask.

Kat shrugs. "Dunno. Didn't check his pulse."

You beat him up so badly you'd have to check his pulse!?

She's walking out, but I grab her arm. She whips toward me with a look in her eyes that says, touch me again and you'll never use that arm again.

"So you escaped," I infer. "Sorry to break it to you, but you won't be able to bust out of this place by yourself."

"That's why I'm taking my people with me," she answers.

"Kat, we're your people!"

"You're crazy!"

I take a step towards her. "Stay back!" She hisses. She pulls a gun out, but I'm not phased.

She wouldn't shoot me, right?

"We want to help you. And frankly, these people are the only ones who might have the technology to do it," I explain.

"Take one more step and I'll shoot you," Kat says.

"C'mon, just calm down." I take another step towards her, gently trying to lower her hand with the gun in it.

She pulls the trigger, and I know nothing more.

Author's Note
If you just read the older version of this chapter and it said they were watching Star Wars and someone just dodged a bullet, please don't hurt me (lol). It was a writing error I meant to edit it to The Matrix.

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