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Jason's POV

Just when I think I have an advantage over them, dozens surround me. I realize what actually happened, and I cooperated with their plan perfectly.

Kat is shoved into the clearing as well, radiant as ever with her tangled, loose hair and fiery eyes. They somehow put her in a strait jacket, which I'm somewhat impressed with considering I know first hand on how good she puts up a fight. But she's still weak.

I've never seen her this angry, not even when I captured her. She kicks, bites, and turns into the not so innocent girl I found as she tries to escape.

They eventually have to tie her down to keep her still. I stand in the middle of all of them, waiting for the perfect chance to fight.

One of the men slowly walks toward Kat with the knife I gave her this morning. I see his bloody arm, which Kat obviously did.

"You sure we shouldn't just kill her? It's not like we could bring her back. She's already turned into one of these savages. Best to put her out of her misery!" He growls.

"We were ordered to bring her alive," someone snaps back.

The angry man takes a swift swipe, leaving a deep cut just above Kat's cheekbone. Blood begins to poor down the side of her face, but she doesn't do as much as cry out.

"Stop!" I order angrily.

They ignore me, which makes my fury double. Being captured is bad enough, but it's especially infuriating when I'm captured by my biggest rivals. These are the people that I go out of my way to mess with along with my camp. And now, the joke's suddenly on me.

I watch as they eventually have to sedate Kat, who seems to be utterly terrified of needles. Just as they pull the syringe out, her eyes widen into huge amber orbs. She keeps shaking her head and eventually started crying as they held her down. I watch as she crumples to the ground, her eyes rolling back into her head.

One chuckles a little. "Poor thing. Those drugs take forever to wear off."

I clear my throat loudly, just to make sure they haven't forgotten about me. Their heads turn. I see one pull out a gun and realize what's happening. They don't want me, they just want Kat. They're going to dispose of me as quick as the pull of a trigger.

But little do they realize how much of a commotion Kat made. No strange sound goes unchecked around here. After what happened six months ago, we've all been extremely paranoid.

Three, two, one...

Chaos breaks loose. People jump out of the trees and tackle my captors. They're completely surprised. Naomi, one of my best friends, cuts the rope that ties me down.

It doesn't take ten minutes for our enemies to retreat. When they do, they're extremely bloody and injured. Some have to be dragged away.

"What the hell happened?" Naomi asks. She wears a mischievous smirk, her long, brunette hair swaying in a gentle breeze.

"We got ambushed. I was showing Kat around and I wasn't really paying attention," I explain quickly.

"Why are you so nice to her? She's one of them. She just looks like some goofy kid to me. I say we leave her here."

"She'll die if we leave her. Besides, I think she's kinda cool."

Naomi stops talking after that. I see her glare at Kat's unconscious body before turning away.

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