Something Worthwhile

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Kat's POV

Jason bites his lip uneasily. "Hey, um... Kat?"

I look up after a while of staring at a small sprout growing in a crack of the concrete. The Walls would have demolished it before anyone could catch a glimpse of the foreign plant.


"About this place. Maybe when they trust us, we can actually start a life. We won't have to live in fear anymore. Think about it. No more loss and pain. We can start our lives together. Forever."

A blush flushes both of our faces and we instantly look away. A small, nervous smile lifts the corner of his lips.

"You do want that, don't you?" He questions earnestly.

I look at the little plant again. To be honest, I don't know what I want anymore. Like any relationship, everything begins as a teeny, tiny sprout. If you neglect it, it will surely whither away and die. If you smother it in desperate hopes to make it grow, the same thing will happen. But when given patience and proper care, it will bloom into something beautiful and worth the time and trouble.

I seem to be neglecting the little sprout Jason and I have grown together, while he smothers it. It's my fault. He wouldn't be like this if I would just reassure him that I'm not going anywhere. But how can I do that when I'm not even sure myself?

"I miss the forest, Jason. I miss our old life. I don't belong here," I answer.

"They'll let us go eventually. We just have to be patient. If you would stop causing trouble, we can have the forest and this."

I raise an eyebrow. "Stop causing trouble, yeah? That's odd coming from your mouth."

He snickers. "I guess I've finally grown up."

"I thought we didn't have to grow up."

After all I've been through, I'm still just as childish as before. The only difference is the dark shadows under my eyes. I don't want Jason to grow up, nor change. I suppose that's inevitable after everything.

"You didn't answer my question," Jason breaks my thoughts. "Do you want to spend your life with me?"

He's smothering again....

I flick his forehead. "Even if I didn't, you still wouldn't leave me alone, would you?"

A flash of pain flickers in his eyes. I instantly feel guilty.

"The answer is yes. I'll be here forever and forever, until you're sick and tired of me," I say. He releases his killer smile from its cage after that.

Author's Note:
I know, I know. Short chapters. But aye, I'm trying really hard! Comment and vote, it really does help and encourage me.

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