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Parisa's POV

We all have took a two week break, we had just been on a bunch of tours and really needed a break.

I was just awake and coming down the stairs when the door bell went.

I sleepily opened it to see Charlie, with a suitcase.

"Hey!" I hugged him.

He picked me up and spun me around.

"Why are you back so early," I asked, we still had another week off.

"My parents are going away on holiday, they didn't realise I was off. So I thought I'd come join my second family." He said  as we entered my house.

I'll put this into my room then come join you.

We all still lived at my house, even after mum died. We are talking about getting an OTY house, but for now we'll live here. But right now, Betsy and Mikey are with there parents and families.

Charlie came back downstairs and set in he living room talking to my dad and Zahra and I made us some breakfast,

I came threw with a plate stacked with pancakes and sat it between me and Charlie, I knew the others had eaten so it would just be us who ate it.

"Syrup and Nutella" we giggled in unison.

We drowned then in syrup and Nutella and ate them together.

After that I went upstairs to get ready and have a shower and all.

I came back down stairs and Charlie was the only one left.

My dad must of left for work and I think Zahra was going to Matt's.

"Is it just us left?" I asked him.

He nodded.

"What do you wanna do?" He asked,

"Bake a cake" I said randomly.

We go the stuff ready and starting baking it.

"Chaz, it looks like dough, what  does it say it should look like" I asked as I hit our cake mixture that looked win a wooden spoon.

"Light and fluffy" he read the recipe.

"It's anything but light and fluffy" I said.

He picked the dough ball up in his hands and started squishing it together.

"Don't do that, here give it back" he handed me the dough ball back and flicked the extra bits that were stuck in his hands at me. Then whipped his hands down my t-shirt.

"Charlie George!" I yelled as I added more flour and egg into the mixture.

I took he floor that was in my hands and chucked in on him.

"Parisa!" He yelled.

Soon we were covered in egg, flour, dough, cake minute and everything,

We had finally got cake to look less like Dough and we but it in the oven to bake.

"We should get cleaned up" I said,as we looked at one another,

We went upstairs leaving the cake in the oven and got changed.

"Hey p, is it all right if Lauren comes round tonight?"  Charlie looked his head in my bedroom door.

"Yeh sure, I haven't seen her in ages." I said "we can have a catch up"

"Ok" he replied.

We sat in my room talking and giggling for ages.

"Do you smell burning?" Charlie cut me off in a middle of a sentence.

"The cake!" I squealed,

We jumped up and raced down the stairs.

We entered the kitchen and I turned the oven  off and opened it.

The cake didn't look to burt actually.

I lifted it our forgetting it would be hot.

"Shit" I squealed and dropped the cake.

Charlie looked at me, "Did you burn yourself?" He asked,

I nodded and he turned the cold tap on and I ran my fingers under it as they started to blister.

"Can you get the cake" I turned around to him.

He nodded and carefully lifted the cake up off the floor and placed it on the cooling rack.

After a while we iced the cake then ate half of it.

"It's actually pretty nice" I said,

"It is," he replied.

We spent the rest of the day, eating cake and watching movies and Netflix.

I really missed the quality time me and Charlie had together before the band and everything.

So first chapter!! Hope u enjoy! :)

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