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Charlie's POV

Me and P sat cuddled up with a blanket around us watching movies when the doorbell went.

I jumped up moving P slightly so I could move and got the door.

Lauren stood at the door, holding her over night bag and her handbag.

"Hey Laur" I pecked her lips.

"Hey babe" she replied, returning the kiss.

"Lauren!" P ran jumping over me and hugging Lauren

"Parisa!" Lauren squealed back.

They jumped around together, but P tripped on a shoe that was lying around and fell backwards.

I Caught her in my arms so she didn't fall and placed her back on her feet, "thanks Chaz" she smiled and pecked my cheek.

"No problem P" I returned the smile

Lauren glared at us, we were just being best friendly.

Lauren out her bags upstairs in my room and we all sat down in the living room watching movies.

By the time we had the finished movies, P was asleep. Lauren was almost asleep but she waken up when I moved.

"Go up to my room babe, I'll put P to bed," I said to Lauren.

I swept P into my arms and carried her upstairs and put her in her bed and pulled the covers over her.

"Night P" I kissed her forehead,

"Night Chazy wazzy" even asleep she thought of the worst nicknames.

I left her room turning off the light and closing the door.

I entered y room to see Lauren fast asleep in my bed, I pulled of my joggers and t-shirt and climbed in beside her. She snuggled into me and soon I fell asleep.

I was woken in the middle of the night by a load scream. Remarkably familiar to P's screams.

I looked to my side to see Lauren still fast asleep.

I moved her slightly so I could get up.

I got up out my room and into P's.

She sat up on her bed, she looked like she was having a panic attack.

"Parisa" I raced over to her,

It looked like I was the only one woken up from her screams.

It took me forever to calm her down but once I lay down with her and wrapped my arms around her she settled.

"Another nightmare" she said.

I whipped her tears away with my thumb pad and she told we what happened in her dream.

"I'd never ditch you for a girl. You u are my girl, not in that way though. I love you bestie" I made her giggle with the last bit.

"Love you too." She replied.

I kissed her head lightly and pulled the covers over her.

"Go back to bed, Lauren will be missing you" she said,

"She'll be just fine, I can't leave you here alone" I said.

I pulled the covers back and jumped in beside her. 

"Are you sure?" She asked,

I nodded and wrapped My arms around her pulling her close.

I was woken with a stream of light busting in the room. It obviously disturbed P too as she rolled over curling into me even more.

Lauren stood at the door peering in at us, a stream of light coming in behind her from the window.

She looked rather angry.

We got up and had breakfast, with an awkward silence.

Then Lauren asked to speak to me....

Larlie chat will be in he next chapter! Hope you enjoyed!

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