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Charlie's POV

I can't believe we just kissed and I told her I loved her. I can't believe what I done, I honestly can't. I don't know what got over m but I do know it was the truth.

I watched as Parisa ran out the room, then I heard a thud.

I jumped up and saw Parisa at the bottom of the stairs crying with pain.

"P" I ran down beside her.

"What happened?" I asked,

"I ran and tripped down the stairs." She cried. "I think I broke my ankle or foot?" She pointed to her foot,

I lifted her up and into the living room and lay her down on the sofa.

"Let's see" I said.

Right enough her foot was bruised badly and swollen. I touched it gently to see how bad it hurt her and obviously very bad, as she let out a scream.

"Come on, let's go the hospital." I said.

She went to stand up but I stopped her.

"Your not walking, I'll carry you." I told her and went to picked her up.

But this time she stopped me and said,"I'm fine. I can walk,"

So I watched as she stood up, and started to walk but fell to the floor with the pain.

"That's right, you can walk" I laughed and picked her up and carried her to the car.

6 hours later, still Charlie's POV.

I sat beside P's hospital bed, waiting for her to wake up. Her break in her foot was so bad that she had to have an operation.

She slowly started to move her head, mumbling things, I couldn't make out what she as saying though.

"Parisa" I whispered softly.

"Charlie," she replied and reached for my hand, that she couldn't find.

"I'm right here" I held her hand in mine.

Slowly she came to, still a bit dopey from the medicine.

"I'm sorry P," I said, I knew this was all my fault if I never said I loved her this would never of happened.

"For what?" She asked totally oblivious.

"For telling you I loved you, if I never said that, none of this would of ever happened." I stated,

"It wasn't your fault! Don't blame yourself. I just didn't know how to reply, so I ran out the room and fell down the stairs," she said.

"Your never gonna forgive me our you, for saying I love you. I, sorry I didn't mean to ruin our friendship." I felt terrible.

"I didn't say I never loved you" she smirked.

I was in total shock, she ran out the room, I really thought I ruined everything.

"What?" I asked, incase I misheard.

"You know what I said, now just shut up and kiss me already." She said.

So I did as I was told and leaned down and kissed her strawberry Scented lips.

We pulled away after a while as we saw a doctor heading towards the room.

She entered the room and looked at P who was awake.

"Glad to see your awake," she smiled.

"Everything seems to be alright, so we can discharge you. As long and you promise to rest" she told p.

"Now obviously you have a cast, so you'll have to use crutches," she started and handing me a pair of crutches for p. "You can't get your cast wet at all and you'll probably have to stay downstairs for the first week or so, cause you can't put any weight on your foot to go upstairs unless there a lift or way you can get up without putting any weight on it. And I think that's it" she looked down at her notes, "just sign here and your free to go."

P signed the forms then the doctor left.

"My cast better be purple." She said sitting up a bit and pulling the covers off her feet.

"Don't worry, I made sure they gave you a purple cast." I laughed.

1 hour later.

Me and P sat cuddled up together on the sofa watching dirty dancing.

Zahra walked into the house carry a few bags of shopping.

"How's your foot, Charlie told be what happened" she asked P.

"Still sore but it's much better." She lifted the blanket up and showed Zahra her cast.

She sat talking to us for ages, the. Her dad came her and they made dinner and soon everyone was in bed bar me and P.

We hadn't actually told them about me and P being together yet but I think that was going to slip sometime tomorrow.

I watched as P sat up and grabbed her crutches and stood up.

"Where you going?" I asked.

"To get more blankets so I can sleep on the sofa. As I can't go upstairs." She said.

"Don't worry about that. I can carry you up." I told her and she smiled and yawned.

I stood up a lifted her off her feet, her crutches dangling with her.

I carried her upstairs and i lay her in bed.

"Pass me a jumper from the drawer would you, Zahra put these sleeveless pjs on me. I can't wait till I get out of this cast and can get changed my self." She moaned/asked.

I didn't bother going to the drawer, I pulled my jumped of my head and placed it on her.

"Thanks" she mumbled.

She patted the spot next to her in the bed and I pulled off my t shirt and jeans and jumped in beside her.

She cuddled in to me and leaned up and kissed me. "Night Chaz"she whispered.

"Night baby girl" I replied.

She was finally mine, my baby girl. Forever, hopefully...

So I have found the tiniest bit on internet right now and k have updated for you! So Charisa are finally together but for how much longer......

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