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Parisa's POV

What she texted brought me to tears, I only wanted to be happy. I wanted a happy life without people interfering.

Charlie pulled me closer to him, if it was even possible and let me cry into him.

"I promise i won't let her interfere with us." He told me whiling away my tears.

"Life is perfect without her" I smiled.

We continued to watch the movie, my attention fully on the screen, but Charlie was off and on his phone a lot.

"You wanna pause the movie and we can go to Nandos and get some dinner?" He asked.

"Just us?" I looked at him.

"Just us" he replied.

He stood up then helped me up and we got ready to go.

We got into the car and Charlie out the key in.

"You wanna go to Nandos or we can go to another restaurant?" He asked me. "There a nice Italian one just opened in town."

"Nah, Nandos always wins," I smirked.

"I knew you say that," he replied.

I turned up the radio in the car and it was Christmas songs that were on.

"10 days to Christmas" I reminded him.

He laughed and we sang along to I wish it could be Christmas everyday.

We got to Nandos and got a table.

We ordered our usual and sat talking. It was nice, just me and him, it made it more special.

He cut me off in a middle of a sentence, "I love you," was all he said.

"I love you too" I replied,

"Was I rambling that much you needed to cut me off in a middle of a sentence." I laughed.

"Maybe," he laughed too.

Our food soon came and we sat talking and eating at the same time.

After Dinner we were gonna go for a walk but the speed I walk at on crutches, out us off that idea so we decided to just go home.

We walked into the living room to see Matt and Zahra there. so we went upstairs and finished watching Harry Potter .

But suddenly Betsy and Mikey ran into the room, their phones in their hands.

We looked at each other and we all said in unison, "Lauren." What had she done now..........?

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