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Zahra's POV

I screamed at the sight of my little sister.

She lay unconscious on the floor, blood pouring from her wrists and stomach where she had obviously cut.

Mikey and Charlie appeared at my side in seconds.

Charlie ran straight to her as Mikey went to get Betsy.

"Why?" I cried.

I knew about her and Betsy's argument but I never knew it was this bad.

"I don't know, just call an ambulance," Charlie replied, as he lay her unconscious bleeding body over him.

I couldn't move, I just froze. This was really happening, my little sister was almost dead.

"Ambulance Zahra," Charlie yelled which broke me from my thoughts and I whipped out my phone dialling an ambulance.

"Charlie, what's her pulse like?" I asked Charlie as I answered a whole load of questions over the phone.

"It's there but slow and faint" he replied.

The people on the phone said a few more things then they sent an ambulance.

Mikey came up stairs with Betsy.

"What happened?" I asked her.

"I don't know" she replied.

"Tell us the truth" Charlie yelled at her.

"Fine when I put my bag upstairs I met her in the hall and we had a little argument that's all. I called her a few names, and she walked away in tears." Betsy admitted.

"What names?" Charlie asked.

"Fat, ugly, I don't know a few others but she called me them back." She said.m

"She cut because of that. She's very worried over her weight and appearance." Charlie said.

"We'll look I'm sorry! But really I didn't do anything," Betsy said.

"Yes you did" Charlie yelled.

"If you didn't call her those names, or not except Charisa. None of this wouldn't of happened. Couldn't you let her be happy?" Mikey continued.

Betsy screwed her face up at them and I could feel everyone's temper rise.

"Get out!" Charlie lost it.

"It all because of you! I can't believe you! You made her do this!" He screamed.

"Calm down" I said sitting by him.

"No! I won't calm down Zahra, she made her do this. If she dies I will never ever forgive you Betsy" Charlie yelled.

He lifted Parisa lifeless body off of him and went to stand up and lash out at Betsy but Mikey pulled him back.

"Chaz don't! I know your mad but go sit back down with P. Your girlfriend needs you" he calmed Charlie down. But I could see his temper rising at Betsy. Charlie sat down and help Parisa body against him again.

"Just get out!" Mikey yelled at Betsy and she left the room.

"I can't believe her" I cried,

"Calm down, she make it. She tough" Mikey said and pulled me into his chest and let me cry into him.

I looked down at my little sister. She lay motionlessly across Charlie.

I sat down and held her hand. "She's freezing." I said squeezing her stone cold hand.

Charlie carefully moved her and took his jumped off and we put it on her.

Charlie was covered in her blood now, and i was too. But I needed to be with her now.

The door bell rang loudly and Mikey went to get it.

The paramedics appeared with the stretcher and Charlie lifted Parisa onto it.

"Who's going with her?" One paramedic asked.

"You go Zahra, me and Mikey will take the car" Charlie said.

"I can't. The though of being in that ambulance with her. Sorry I can't" I said. I just couldn't, I know I promised mum I would take care of her. But I can't go in that ambulance it would make things a little to real.

"I'll take the car with Mikey. You go Charlie" I said and Charlie nodded.

They wheeled her away and put her in the ambulance Charlie followed and they left and me and Mikey went in the car,

The ambulance raced ahead the flashing blue lights on and the sirens loud.

We got to the hospital and as soon as we pulled up in the car park I broke down. Suddenly everything became real.

Mikey saw my pain and wrapped me in his arms and hugged me tight.

We got into the hospital and saw Charlie, crying his eyes out in the waiting area.

"Charlie, what are they doing?" I asked.

"There taking her for an operation or two, her heart stopped on the way here. They thought we lost her, but they got her back. It's not looking good" he said, chocking on his own tears.

I fell to the floor in tears, Charlie was just as bad as me and Mikey had tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Phone Matt, for Zahra" Charlie said as he looked at Mikey. "And Parisa's dad"

Charlie could barely talk, he was trying to be strong for her, but I knew how much pain he was in.

Matt and my dad appeared soon. We sat in the waiting room, matt's arm around me as I cried even more. Charlie was still in pieces, he sat in the corner ignoring the world, listening to music through Parisa's phone.

A few hours later a doctor said we could go and see her, she was still unconscious and we didn't know her situation yet but we could at least see her.

I sat on one side of her and Charlie on the other, Mikey at the bottom of the bed and my dad pacing up and down the room and Matt at my side.

"She's gonna be okay right?" Charlie asked a nurse that had just came into the room.

"We can't be sure"'she replied

All I wanted was my sister back!

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