Chapter 4

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Torrance POV (Vin, South, and Jona in media box)
Waking up, I find I'm in a large bed and quickly look down to make sure I'm wearing clothes.
Whew, I'm good.
Looking around, I see a note on the bedside table.
'Take a shower. There's clothes in the bathroom that should fit you. Come to the kitchen when you're done.'
Okay then. Sliding off the bed, I stumble to what I'm guessing is the bathroom.
Shivering at the hot water on my back, I see only men's Axe soap. Guess I'll have to use that.
Wrapping a towel around me, I see observe the pair of definetly tight leather pants and the crop top with the leather jacket.
Sighing, I blush when I put on the bra and underwear. Coming through my hair doesn't take long but i almost scream when I see my face in the mirror.
My lip is busted and my eyes my black with a bruise on my cheek.
Swallowing my tears, I unlock the door and rush out of the bedroom, not wanting to be anywhere near a mirror.
Then i notice, I have no idea where to go. I move forward, hoping this is the right way.
The hall opens up into a large room where two couches and a grand piano sit. A little girl who looks around 6 sits at the bench of the piano, her tiny fingers on the keys as she looks puzzled.
"Do you know how to play?" She jumps at my question as I walk forward. Shaking her head, sit beside her. "I can."
"Can you play for me?" Smiling at her shyness, I nod and lay my hands on the keys.
Taking a deep breath, they move on their own accord until my voice adds to it, singing Christina Perri's A Thousand Years.
'Heart beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave?
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall?
But watching you stand alone,
All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow.
One step closer'
I close my eyes as the music washes over me.

'I have died every day waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

Time stands still
Beauty in all she is
I will be brave
I will not let anything take away
What's standing in front of me
Every breath
Every hour has come to this

One step closer
I have died every day waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

One step closer
One step closer
I have died every day waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more'
The last note echoes around the room until it's filled with clapping. My eyes flash open and I see at leeadt 12 scary looking men, including the three from last night.
A squeak makes me look away from them and to the little girl sitting next to me on the bench.
Everyone's silent except the little girl who climbs on my lap.
"I'm Carmen."
"Torrance." Her small hand touches my lip and wince. I didn't notice it had split open while I was singing.
"MOMMY!!!" I flinch when she yells.
A young blonde woman rushes in the room and glances around until she sees me. Then she gasps and runs over.
"Oh, my god."
"I'm fine. Had worse." She frowns at me.
"Carmen, go play with your toys. We need to talk to Torrance." I stiffen at the sound of Gray's voice and Carmen scuttles off with her mother in tow. Two men close sliding doors to the room.
"You'll stay with us for the next two months. We'll treat you like a member, meaning you need to train with us." Training doesnt sound bad, I could get strong enough to escape. Instead of voicing my thoughts, I nod.
"Trainings in ten minutes. There's clothes in the room you slept in." Again, I nod.
Standing, I give the men a wide berth, clenching my jaw until I'm safely out of the room. As soon as i reach the bedroom, I scowl.
A sports bra and short track shorts. Sighing, I strip and step into them, tying the shoes that sit next to them.
When I walk out, a man with brown skin and dark hair grabs my elbow and tugs me down a few hallways before throwing open a door.
The bright light makes me blink a few times before my eyes adjust. There's a track with a football field, a pool, a shooting range, and other assorted training equipment.
Oh, my sweet baby Jesus. So many shirtless guys with abs.
"Get running." He shoves me towards the track where at least eight men are running along with Gray. All shirtless.
Getting behind the group, I slowly tart to jog. And then they start to get in my way. Maneuvering my way around them, I only have to pass four more until I'm in the front.
Not a problem. Smirking, I run past them, my hair whipping past me as I watch the sun lower.
When I get fifteen feet away, I quickly turn around and give a salute to Gray before turning back around and running again. After ten more minutes of running and passing everyone, I'm covered in sweat.
A whistle blows and we stop. I've attracted a lot of stares by now so there's a large group around the track.
"Nice running." I shrug and someone throws me a water bottle. Checking it for any type of drugs, I take a small sip. "How are you with obstacle courses?"
"Bring it on, Pretty Boy." I smirk at him and he chuckles.
"Least amount of time to do it was passed in 6 minutes 43 seconds. Think you can pass it?" I look at the rock wall at the beginning and end and the mud pit with the barbed wire and stones you have to jump through.
"We'll see." He points to where I start and i move there.
Taking a deep breath, I wait for the whistle. When it goes, I leap across the giant hole and land on the other side.
My hands are slick with sweat as I climb the rock wall. I reach the top and grab the rope to climb down. I wince in pain as the skin rubs off against the rope.
Dropping to the ground, I jog over to the mud pit and slide under. Army crawling to the other side is a bit hard as I worry about the barbed wire above me.
I finally clear it and see a deep pit- about ten feet- and a balance board. Swallowing, I take a breath.
It's just like at gymnastics. Walking forward, I see the board is worn out in some places and kick off the shoes.
Using my arms as balance, my socks shuffle over the board. When I reach a breaking part, I leap over it and land harshly. The board wobbles and i bite my lip.
Thinking quickly, I start doing cartwheels to the otherside. Shaking my arms as I finally reach the other side, I feel like crying in pain.
Only the rock wall, then I'm free. I hear cheering and yelling all around me.
My arms shake as my hands clench the rocks tightly, afraid to fall. Only a few more feet. A loose rock comes out, making me lose my hold.
I scream as I hang by one hand. It's too far to drop. I reach up shakily and find a holding. Pushing myself up. I groan and slap the bell. It rings out and i hear yelling below.
Climbing over the edge, I see a giant pool below. Glancing at the wall, it away to jump because the pool is like 25 feet.
Standing on the inch thick wall, I dive off. Closing my eyes, I hit the water. My ears are popping and I'm losing my breath. Opening my eyes, I start kicking my way up.
I gasp for air when someone grabs my hand and pulls me over the side. Of course the blood and mud that covers my body is still there since it dried.
Men surround me, yelling and cheering. I cough again, water coming out of my nose and mouth.
Then i see blood. The pressure of the water must've caused my nose to bleed. Someone mustve noticed because everyone started backing away.
"Are you okay? Dammit, I shouldn't have let you do that."
"What was my time?" I repeat. He looks at a phone.
"Exactly 6 minutes." I grin, forgetting my injuries.
"Who did I beat?" I ask.
"Me." I tense as a shirtless Gray steps up.
"Oh." I whisper.
A pressure on my waist makes me look down. Carmen stands there with a toothy grin.
"CARMEN!!!!" I jump when Gray booms and the little girls eyes widen in fear. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!?!"
I grab the little girl in my arms as tears dribble down her cheeks.
Placing her on the ground, I stomp up to Gray and slam my fist against his cheek.
"THAT'S ENOUGH!!!" I snap. "You're a goddamn gangleader. You're supposed to care about your gang, not yell at 6 year olds and make them cry."
I cry out when he punches me, my head snapping to the side and my neck cracking from the force.
"What happened to not hitting girls?" I whisper, holding my face as I feel blood drip from my mouth.
Turning, I grab Carmen's hand and pull her to the house, tears falling.
"Oh my god." Carmen's mom rushes over to us as we come inside.
"Mommy, he hit her. Gray hit her." Her mom gasps.
"Go up the stairs and to the third room on the left, it's my room. You can shower there. Some of my old clothes should fit you." I nod and move numbly.
Going through the motions of the shower are automatic, like a robot. Wrapping a towel around my body, I step out of the bathroom. A small closet holds some clothes and i grab a plain black tank top and a pair of black skinny jeans.
Changing is a lot more painful this time around and it hurts even worse as I limp down to the kitchen again.
Carmen's mom hands me an ice pack and i press it to my swelled face. "I'm Dorothy by the way."
"Torrance." I mumble, my jaw aching.
"Can you go find Carmen, she might be in the living room." I nod and start walking, leaving the ice pack there.
Leaning on the wall as a support, I hear sniffling. Carmen. She sits curled in a ball on the couch.
When she hears me, her head snaps up and she runs over, hugging me. I pick her up and rub her back soothingly.
"DINNER!!!!" Dorothy's voice booms around the house. The hell?
I shake my head and let her down. She grabs my hand and pulls me along. I follow her, keeping my head down.
We enter a large dining room and i see about 150 people sitting at long tables. I sit with Dorothy and Carmen, playing with my fruit as I can't really open my mouth to eat anything.
I don't look up and I don't listen to anything going on around me. My head's starting to hurt so I mumble an excuse to leave.
Dorothy hands me the leat he jacket from earlier and smiles sympathetically. I throw it on and lift the hood.
A few men pay attention to me as I walk. Needing fresh air, I walk outside.
I know I can't escape and i know I'm going to die here. Whether it's at the hands of Gray or not.

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