Chapter 23

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Torrance POV (The next few chapters will be kinda short. sorry. Just a little early Christmas present but it's still on hold)
"Hurry!!" Carmen squeals, grabbing my hand as she tries to pull me along.
"I can only go so fast on crutches, Carm." I say, amused as her hair bounces along behind her.

It's only been two weeks since I was first injured since Conner put me on strict bed rest after I tripped and fell when we were making cookies. This is the first day I'm allowed up. Gray's visitors left yesterday so now I don't have to worry about their beady little eyes following me around. 

Dorothy set up a barbecue to celebrate for mine and Carmen's rescue. Not that I thought I needed it. I'm supposed to be a kidnappee not a family member.
The sun shines brightly as we walk outside, making me blink to adjust to the sudden light. People are running around, playing and talking.
As soon as we walk out, people cheer and whistle. Carmen smiles, waving at them and enjoying the spotlight. Unlike me who stands back in the doorway.
Until everyone turns to me. I swallow and step forward, my slightly tanned leg visible from under the burgundy lace skater dress.
            My cheeks flush lightly when everyone either wolf whistles or yells loudly. I don't see Gray anywhere.
             My eyes meet Gray's from across the yard and he excuses himself from the man he's talking to.
             He slowly begins walking through the crowd and they part for him. Someone hands him a microphone and the familiar tune of Zac Brown Band's Beautiful Drug begins. 

             I grin at him as he brings the microphone up to his lips. 

  I got a death wish

Her looks can kill
She's got a red dress
Lipstick and heels
Pull me in, get me hooked like a junkie
You got me feeling so high' 

                 He continues walking towards me, his voice pulling me into a trance.

You're such a beautiful drug
I can't get enough
Addicted and I'm dying for a hit of your love
Got a death wish baby, baby
Don't want you to save me, save me

She lets her hair down
And all of mine stand up
Can't help but stare now
Gotta feel that touch
Her kiss, my fix, so sweet
Can't quit those lips are a habit to me
Sweet intoxication and I'm never getting sober
I can tell that the effects are taking over
Pull me in, get me hooked like a junkie
You got me feeling so high'

                        He jumps from side to side with Jona, South, Vin, and Matty before he does a back flip over Matty. They do an amazing dance number as they contine making their way to me. Dorothy takes the clip out of my hair, letting it free as Gray stands right in front of me, close enough to touch.

You're such a beautiful drug
I can't get enough
Addicted and I'm dying for a hit of your love
Got a death wish baby, baby
Don't want you to save me, save me
Whoa, whoa, whoa
Whoa, whoa, whoa

You're such a beautiful drug' 

               His hand cups my cheek as he gazes into my eyes, his forehead leaning on mine. 

I can't get enough
I'm addicted and dying for a hit of your love
I'm losing it, baby
Keep driving me crazy, crazy

Going out of my mind
Staring at you
Burning up in your fire that I've fallen into
Got a death wish baby, baby
Don't want you to save me, save me

Whoa, whoa, whoa
Whoa, whoa, whoa
Whoa, whoa, whoa
Whoa, whoa, whoa'

                   I stand there in awe as he places his lips on mine gently. 

                   He pulls away before I can react, his hand running freely through my hair. "You're my beautiful drug."

                  I blush and bring his head down to kiss him. Someone takes a picture of us and I turn to see Dorothy. She shrugs and runs off to find her friends. Gray chuckles and kisses my forehead.

                  "I'll be back soon. I need to take care of something." I nod and kiss his lips softly. He groans and touches the small of my back, pressing me closer before pulling away. "That makes me not want to leave."

                   I laugh and push him away, finding Carmen with Vin. I make my way over there and sit next to them.

~Twenty minutes later~

               Navigating my way through the many halls, I try to find Gray. He's been gone for a while and even Jona and South have no idea where he is. 

              I turn onto a carpeted hallway and continue down until I hear the telltale sign of giggling. Frowning, I see a door slightly open in front of me. 

            Quietly walking up to it, I peer inside. Covering my mouth with one hand and holding my crutches in the other, tears stream down my cheeks. 

              Inside that room is Gray with Leah pressed against the wall, kissing her neck and unzipping her tiny shorts.  

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