Chapter 24

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Torrance POV

                  My heart feels like it's in the process of being ripped out, stomped on then set on fire and sewn back into my body. Quickly grabbing my crutches, I hurry out of the complicated hallways and outside.

                 Everyone stops as they see me with tears running down my body. Matty catches me just as I collapse. "What's wrong? What happened?"

                "He cheated." Well, I know we weren't technically dating but that's what Vin said he would do when he asked someone to be his girlfriend... not that he ever did. 

               Everyone gasps. "No. Torrance, don't you dare just stand there and cry. Do something about it."

               I stare shocked at the little seven year old. She hands me a microphone and tells me to go sit on the picnic table. I follow Matty, still shocked that she did that. 

            Not even five minutes later, Dorthy fixed my make up, Gray was walking out of the house trying to fix his hair and I was clutching the microphone in my hand like a lifeline. 

            "What's going on?" Gray frowns as everyone glares at him before they all turn to me.

            Taking a deep breath, I count the beats in my head as Victoria Justice's Beggin' on Your Knees  plays. 

        You had it all the day you told me (told me) you want me

I had it all but let you fool me (fool me) completely' 

                  I'm glad to say that my voice comes out loud and confident, giving the message to Gray as he looks up in shock.

Yeah I was so stupid to give you all my attention
'Cause the way you played me exposed your true intentions

And one day I'll have you beggin' on your knees for me
Yeah one day I'll have you crawlin' like a centipede
You mess with me and mess with her
So I'll make sure you get what you deserve
Yeah one day you'll be beggin' on your knees for me'

                    Because of my movement restrictions, I'm stuck to moving my head and arms.

So watch your back 'cause you don't know when or where I can get you
I've set the trap and when I'm done then you'll know what I've been through
So oh, Mister Player, do you feel like the man now?
And I bet you're nervous 'cause this song makes you freak out

And one day I'll have you beggin' on your knees for me
Yeah one day I'll have you crawlin' like a centipede
You mess with me (yeah) and mess with her (yeah)
So I'll make sure you get what you deserve (yeah)
Yeah one day you'll be beggin' on your knees for me'

                           My eyes meet his and I put every ounce of pain and anger into my eyes. 

I know I'm being bitter but I'mma drag you under
'Cause you just don't, don't deserve "Happy ever after"
For what you did to me after you told me you never felt that way
It was only just a game'

                             A tear escapes the corner of my eye.

(you had it all)

(And one day)
And one day I'll have you beggin' on your knees for me (beggin' on your knees for me)
Yeah one day I'll have you crawlin' like a centipede (crawlin' like a centipede)
You mess with me (yeah) and mess with her (yeah)
So I'll make sure you get what you deserve (yeah)
Yeah one day you'll be beggin' on your knees for me

          People cheer and clap as my chest heaves with exertion. 

          Gray still has his eyes on mine as I lower the microphone. He still looks shocked but the anger in him overpowers it easily. Before he can do anything, Matty, Vin, South, Jona, and even Carmen come over and stand in front of me as I gather my crutches. 

               I don't even have enough time to do that before I'm in South's arms as he runs me away. I look over his shoulder and see Gray being held back, his anger turning his eyes a scary blue color as he looks at me. 

              I swallow and bury myself in South's shoulder.


            It's been three hours. South told me to stay in a hidden room near Gray's office. It's like a hidden library with a mini fridge.

             I'm actually having fun in here. South made sure to give me a bag with clothes in it. It's a very good thing I haven't needed to use the bathroom because their isn't one.

           I changed into a pair of black booty shorts with one of Gray's sweatshirts that read 'Milian' on the back and Trojan Warriors Wrestling on the front. I can believe that he was on the wrestling team. 

          Getting up to grab another book, I limp around without the crutches. Those things are pissing me off. Settling back down on the couch, I lean back on the arm and lay my leg on a pillow, resting the book on my lap.

            Just as the clock strikes another hour and I finish the last chapter of Kissing Snowflakes, my eyes begin to droop. My eyes slowly close as a yawn takes over my mouth. Darkness here I come. 

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