Chapter 20

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Torrance POV
I stare at him in shock. He looks at me, his ice blue eyes burning into me.
"I'm serious." I nod at him and settle myself into his chest. "Everything started when I was seven. My dad was taking all these business trips for work. I was left with my mom. My dad's best friend was like an uncle to me. He would always come over to help my mom or to play with me."
A small smile takes over his lips. "He was more of a father than my real one. When I was eleven, he came over and spent the night. My dad was in Spokane. My mom had a nightmare and my uncle went into their room.
He woke her up and sat next to her. My dad came home early that night. He walked in and saw her crying on him. Naturally, he thought she was cheating on him.
The gang was already... created and had been for a few years but we didn't know that. His work was just a cover up. When he saw Ben, he beat him to death and made my mom watch. I heard yelling so I snuck down the hall and stood in the doorway. I watched him run to her and hit her so hard that she fell out of the bed.
When she saw me, he did too." His eyes take on a darkened color and I slip my hand into his, trying to provide some comfort. He squeezes my hand and wraps his arms all the way around me, pull in me close and kissing me on the forehead. I snuggle further into his chest.
"He started hitting me. Everyday that he was home, he hit me. I wasnt strong enough to fight him off, even when I got older. When I was around seventeen, my mom got pregnant with Carmen. The day I found out, I just got home from school. My dad was gone again and I found my mom on the bathroom floor, crying.
"When I found out what happened," Tears fill his eyes and his voice becomes shaky. "When I found out that he raped her, I waited for him to come home. And when he did, I made sure she was safe and comfortable in my room before I went downstairs. He hid guns around the house for emergencies. He wouldn't tell us where he hid them, but I mapped out the house when I turned fifteen. I grabbed the gun I hid in my jeans and shot him with a silencer. Emptied the clip. That day was what pushed me over the edge, what gave me enough strength to kill him.
"That was the day, I moved my mom here. I was with her when she was pregnant and when she went into labor. Carmen is the most important thing to me beside my mom. I know I'm not the greatest at showing it, but they are."
A guilty tone takes him over and I look up at him, carefully leaning back against the wall.
Tears glisten down his cheeks and I wipe them away with my thumbs. "Gray, you are the most amazing person that I have ever met."
His eyes meet mine. "You don't mean that."
"I do. I do mean it, Gray. How could I not? I mean besides the kidnapping and the accidental loss of control when you hit me, you have been the greatest kidnapper I could've ever asked for." He chuckles and places his forehead against mine.
"My Aunt Linda would sometimes say 'Rain falls because the clouds can no longer handle the weight. Tears fall because the heart can no longer handle the pain.' You have a lot of pain in your heart, Gray. So let me take it from you."
Tears stream down my face as he shakes his head and starts moving away. Making a split decision, I cup his face and press my lips to his.
It takes him a moment to react but when he does, he wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me off my injured leg and into his arms.
My lips move softly against his as he shields me from the wind. We pull away from each other, just centimeters away, my forehead leans against his as our breaths mix.
His now soft blue eyes search mine before he leans in again, this time more rough. Throwing my arms around his neck, he pulls me closer, his hands sliding up my hips to my sides. I moan when he digs his tongue into my mouth.
He picks me up and places me on the two foot thick cement wall so that he doesnt have to lean down.
Running my hands through his hair, he groans when I pull lightly. Wrapping my tongue around his, he slowly starts moving his hips against mine.
Pleasure is the only thing I feel. Well, that and loss of breath.
He is apparently out of breath too as he pulls away and starts kissing a trail down my neck. What little breath I have, catches in my throat when his tongue darts out.
"Gray." I gasp. He sucks at the base of my neck, near my collarbone. Fire bends through my body and I moan.
He gently kisses the swollen skin before backing away, our bodies still close enough to feel the warmth. His eyes are half closed and his lips are red and swollen with his hair a sexy mess and his cheeks flushed red.
Bringing a hand up, Gray runs his fingers through my hair, staring at me in awe. "Beautiful."
I flush and look down at my lap. That's how we sit for a few minutes before I break the silence.
"Do you think... I'll be okay?" I look up at him, holding back my tears. "Do you think I'll be able to walk again?"
He looks hopeless as his icy eyes meet mine. "I don't know, Torri. I don't know."
Leaning my head on his chest, he holds me as I sob.

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