Chapter 41

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Torri POV

                    Davis stands behind his father. That's why he looked familiar. He looks just like Davis. Or, well, I guess Davis looks just like him.

                   "Why are you doing this?" I ask, tugging on the ropes that bind me.

                   "To earn the respect I need." He says gruffly. He's not our Davis anymore. 

                  "What happened to you?" I whisper, stopping my movements when I just feel the rope dig into my skin.

                   "What happened to me? What happened to you?!?!" I flinch at his explosiveness. "You get kidnapped and come back pregnant by the same guy that took you. Next you'll be telling us you love him."

                  I stay silent, knowing that he's right. He looks at me, his green eyes widening. "You love him, don't you?"

                  A tear falls from my eye.  "Meeting him was fate. Being his friend was a choice. But falling in love with him was beyond my control."

                 I let my head fall to my chest. "Did he force you?"

                 "What?" I ask, lifting my head.

                 "Did he force you to be with him?"

                 I hesitate to tell him. "No." Lifting chin higher. "He didn't. I'm the one who told him what I wanted and he listened."

                "If he listened then explain how you ended up here." I swallow past the lump in my throat.

                 "Just because I love him doesn't mean he's mine to love. He's getting married. I made a mistake. But,"  I take a breath. "A baby is never a mistake. A surprise sometimes, but never a mistake."

                  "I can't believe you." I shake in fear as Davis stands straight and walks towards me. Throwing his fist out he punches my face. I spit out blood and cough. "You are a traitor to your family."

                   "I am not a traitor. You're the one that lied to everyone. You dated Alexa because you wanted to get close to our family." I sneer loudly. I can see him shaking in anger at the mention of Alexa. I know he can't control it anymore than I can. "You don't want her. You never did."

                  "I LOVE HER!!!!" I sit back in my chair, watching as the whole room goes silent.

                  "You didn't mean to fall for her. Just like I didn't mean to fall for Gray." I begin to feel dizzy, my head pounding from the hit he gave me. "I need to say good-bye."

                  "Good-bye? Why?" He asks cautiously.

                  "I think I'm about to pass out." 


                  Then my head falls and I'm out like a light.


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