Chapter 30

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Torrance POV
I wake up with the light shining in my eyes. I smile and move closer into the warmth that surrounds me.
I frown in confusion when my hand touches skin. Only then do I remember last night. A large grin plasters itself on my face.
"Why are you smiling like a maniac?" I jump in fright when Gray mumbles against me, his eyes still closed.
"How did you... your eyes aren't even open!!" I say.
He cracks one open to smile down at me. "I don't need to open them to know that you're happy."
I flush and try to pull away from him but he just pulls me closer. "Please let me go."
"Why?" He groans.
"Because I need to pee." I answer, he hesitates to let me go but does. I roll off the other side of the bed and grab his shirt, throwing it over my head as I limp to the bathroom.
"You just ruined my view." He complains. I raise my middle finger at him and close the bathroom door behind me.
Sighing in relief as I flush the toilet and wash my hands, I decide to take a shower. Turning on the water, I tie a plastic bag around my leg and take the shirt off, stepping into the warm water.
I guess I forgot to lock the door because as I'm in the middle of washing the conditioner out of my hair, a pair of arms wrap around my waist.
I gasp in shock before letting out a breath. "Dont do that. You scared me."
Gray chuckles against my neck and places a light kiss down on my skin. I moan and lean back into him, causing Gray Jr.- well Gray Sr.- to jump and stiffen.
He gently turns me and pushes me against the shower wall. I moan as he thrusts into me.
My hands tug on his hair as he lift my leg slightly, hitting my g-spot. Letting out a loud throaty moan, I unleash the pressure in my stomach after five minutes. He does the same.
Breathing deeply against me, he lets go of me and begins washing our bodies gently.
I smile as Gray jumps into the bed like a child. I threw on one of his long sleeve white shirts that went down to my thighs and a pair of underwear while he put on a pair of boxers.
I had convinced him to read to me The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne. I love this book.
He settles beside me, pulling me onto his bare chest and wrapping an arm under my body to hold the book.
" "Foolish child, what a question is that!" exclaimed her mother. "Come, and ask his blessing!"
But, whether influenced by the jealousy that seems instinctive with every petted child towards a dangerous rival, or from whatever caprice of her freakish nature, Pearl would show no favour to the clergyman."
His soft deep voice reads the pages, relaxing me. "It was only by an exertion of force that her mother brought her up to him, hanging back, and manifesting her reluctance by odd grimaces; of which, ever since her babyhood, she had possessed a singular variety, and could transform her mobile physiognomy into a series of different aspects, with a new mischief in them, each and all.
"The minister-­painfully embarrassed, but hoping that a kiss might prove a talisman to admit him into the child's kindlier regards-­bent forward, and impressed one on her brow. Hereupon, Pearl broke away from her mother, and, running to the brook, stooped over it, and bathed her forehead, until the unwelcome kiss was quite washed off and diffused through a long lapse of the gliding water."
"Why wouldn't she just slap him?" Gray breaks off, making me look at him.
"Not everyone resorts to violence, Gray." I say with a smile.
"Please tell me that if someone ever touches you when you don't want it that you would hurt them. Even me." He asks, placing the book beside him.
"Promise." I whisper, making him smile and lean closer to kiss me.
I break the kiss. "Won't someone come check on you if you don't come out?"
"They know not to bother me when I don't come out unless it's important. Especially after he's been here." He says it with such distaste that I have to kiss him again to get it off.
Kicking the blankets off me, I climb over his legs, straddling him. He sits up against the headboard to get more comfortable, his hand on my hips.
I can't help but get turned on at the sound of his groans even though I'm sore from last night and this morning.
He slips the shirt over my head, his fingers tangling in my hair as he presses our chests together.
I guess we're so into it that we don't hear the door open until someone speaks. "Get some."
I break away and scream. Gray pushes himself in front of me, hiding my body. In front of us is a smirking Jona, Vin, and South. But the one that scares me most is Dorothy who has a smile on her face.
"Yay, I get grandbabies." My mouth drops as the boys bend over laughing.
"MOM!!!!" Gray yells making sure to sit in front of me, my legs around his as my chest sits pressed against his back. My head leans between his shoulder blades.
"What? I want grandkids." She says innocently, making them fall to the ground in laughter.
"If you don't get out of my room in ten seconds, I'm going to shoot you in your small ass dicks." Their eyes widen and they throw open the door, running out of the room. "Mom, leave."
I smack the back of his head. "Be nice."
"Mom, please leave so I can go back to having sex." He says politely, making me hit him again.
"Just for that, you can sleep on the couch." He groans, turning to look at me. "Uh-uh, pretty boy. Give me your shirt."
He sighs and grabs the shirt from next to him. I slide it over my head and push him away from me. Glancing up as I climb out of bed, I see Dorothy opening her mouth with a grin.
"Don't say a word, woman." I warn her with a glare. She closes her mouth, her lips twitching. "You raised a sex crazed boy."
She chuckles until I glare at her again. Ignoring their eyes on me, I limp into the closet and get a pair of shorts that I left in here, slipping them on under the shirt.
Tying his shirt at my waist, I slip my foot into a white high top Converse since I obviously can't wear a shoe on my broken leg.
When I walk out, I see Dorothy smirking at her son as his face is white. Raising an eyebrow, she just shakes her head.
Limping over to the bed, I grab my crutches from the floor beside it, blushing at the fact that our clothes still litter to floor, including my ripped underwear and torn bra.
Gray grabs my waist and plants a slow kiss on my lips. I push him away because we're still in front of his mother.
He just grins lazily at me. I roll my eyes and keep my head down, crutching my way out of the room.

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