Chapter 17

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Torrance POV
Damn, that little girl is fast. Huffing and puffing, I finally catch up to her as she collapses to her knees on the edge of the huge property. We're in the woods. And it's dark. And creepy. Ah, fuck.
"Carmen." I whisper brokenly.
She sniffles and turns to me. "Why?"
"Oh, Honey." It breaks me, seeing her like this. Rushing over, I gather her in my arms, the tears silently streaming down my face as she sobs loudly.
Slowly, rain starts to fall, pelting our backs. I stand and move a few feet away from her, spinning in circles. I have no idea how to get out of here.
I wince when my barefoot is sliced against a sharp stone. It was a bad idea to take off the heels and run.
I trip over a tree root and fall to the ground. Grunting in pain, I hear the little girl Google before I stand and look at her. She shuts up immeadietly.
Going back to Carmen, I see her tired form and pick her small body up in my arms. Since I was running blindly through the trees, I have plenty of cuts and scratches on my arms and face.
Dammit, my jeans are ruined. Oh well.
Moving Carmen towards a tree, I sit in between the large roots, holding her in my lap as I cover her with my jacket, trying to give her some warmth.
I shiver with the frigid air and wrap my arms tighter around Carmen, trying to keep her small body warm.
I jump when a branch falls. Straightening my right leg to push it away, another falls and traps my leg between the two, crushing it.
I cry out in pain silently, not disturbing the sleeping Carmen.
Tears slide down my cheeks as the branch shifts with every blow of the wind, making more pain shoot through my leg.
My phone starts ringing but it's a few feet away and I can't reach it. It must've fallen out of my pocket when I tripped
Black spots enter my vision and I fight not to succumb to the darkness. Boy, did I fight.
But I did not succeed.

Gray POV
"FIND THEM, NOW!!!!" I yell loudly, making everyone in the room flinch. I turn to Leah who's barely waking. "I'll deal with her later. Put her in the basement."
South nods and quickly gathers her in his arms, rushing off with my unconscious fiance, Elise following them. Turning to Jona and Vin, I growl in frustration.
"Jona, you're still injured. You're not coming" he glares at me but I ignore him and turn to Vin and Matty. "Send five in each direction to search the woods and twenty to the city. We can't afford to lose those two."
"You mean you can't." Jona retorts. I stay silent but push the hidden button in a coat closet, revealing a rack of weapons.
Ripping my shirt over my head, I slide on a bulletproof vest and quickly throw my shirt back on. Sliding two guns into the holsters on my hips, I turn back to see the assembled men ready.
"I don't care if there's a hurricane out there, you do not come back until those two are found and uninjured. Am I clear?" I bark loudly. They all nod. "Matty, you and me are in the woods on the left."
Everyone moves out of the house and starts searching, blinding lights like one's from a football stadium showing the way around the yard.
I start jogging, trying to peer through the rain. Sliding in the mud, I barely catch myself from falling down a hill. Trying to see where they are, I pull out my phone and call Torrance.
I can't hear anything but rain, thunder, and people shouting instructions. "SPLIT UP!!!"
Everyone does as I say and I continue forward, still calling her. The search continues for three more hours until I hear a slight change in noise. Singing.
Rushing forward, I run towards the music. It's her phone.
I see the light barely shining and an enormous tree laying near another. I'm not close enough to find her yet.

Torrance POV
My phone has been ringing and going off since I woke up a half hour ago. It's Stoll storming and my body is shivering non-stop.
Carmen still hasn't woken up and my leg is still trapped. I lost my voice calling for help a while ago so now I just have to wait and hope they're looking for us.
"TORRI!!!!" I jump and look around. I see flashlight beams flicking around the woods but I can't call out.
Shaking Carmen awake, she jerks and stares up at me with wide eyes. "Scream."
She frowns at my cracked voice before closing her eyes and opening her mouth to scream. Well, that is until another branch drops beside us and she really does scream.
The branch had made her jump, separating us as her dress got caught and she couldn't reach me. "Torr."
She cries frightfully. I grab and squeeze her hand as the tree on my leg shifts again. Suddenly, I hear twigs snapping and leaves rustling and look up.
Bursting into the small area where we are, I see nothing as the flash lights blind me. My eyes slowly adjust and I see at least seven people rushing around.
"Torri!" Looking up, I see Gray and tears explode from my eyes. "What happened? Are you okay? Are you hurt?"
"My leg." I cry out, nodding my head down. His eyes widen as he pears down, seeing half my leg hidden beneath the fallen trees.
"HEY, I NEED SOME HELP OVER HERE!!!!" Three men run over and start trying to move the tree. Apparently I still have some voice left because a loud painful scream breaks through as another wave of pain whacks my body.
"STOP!!!!" I cry, letting go of Carmen's hand to hold my thigh since my knee and below is crushed under that tree. "Please, stop."
"Torri, the only way we can get you out is to move the tree." I look up at Gray and see his worried eyes that are slightly painful and saddened. Slowly nodding as I notice the pleading look on his face, I close my eyes and bite my lip.
After at least ten minutes of my screaming and their grunting and groaning, I'm finally freed sweat had collected on my body from trying to stay awake through the overwhelming pain.
Leaning my head back against the tree, my chest rises and falls rapidly as my world slows down. I see a fighre move toward mr and blink my way back to reality.
"Torri, we have to take you back. It's too far from the house for them. Can you walk?"
I hold out my hands tiredly and he grabs one and wraps an arm around my waist. I cry out in pain and collapsd against him when my toe even touches the ground.
"Hold on." I squeal when he picks me up gently in his arms and carries me like a newlywed couple.
Laying my head against his chest, I shiver in the frigid air. He stops moving and someone lays a jacket over me.
Looking up at him, I see him glance down at me. Quickly leaning up, I flick my lips against his jaw before settling back and closing my eyes, snuggling close to him and ignoring the throbbing pain in my leg and body.

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