Chapter 18

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Gray POV
My heart skips a beat as she presses her lips to my skin, a jolt of electricity passing between us. Glancing down at her leg as she falls into a restless sleep, I see the blood, torn skin, and shattered bones from her knee to her ankle.
Holy shit.
I speed up, my feet moving quickly over the muddy ground. Rain pelts my back harshly as I hunch my body over Torri. I hear the breathing of my men a few yards behind me and Matty carrying Carmen not too far back.
The lights from the backyard shine through the trees, marking thay we're getting closer to the house. My breath comes out in clouds as I jog through trees.
Breaking through the tree line, people start to cheer when they see my sister and Torri. Until noticing that Torri is injured.
Everything is silent as I run inside the house, finding Conner. His eyes widen when he sees Torri and immeadietly takes her from my arms, putting her on a gurney and rushing down the hall with more nurses and docters. We basically have a whole hospital in this house.
Many of the men's wives work as nurses or doctors. A nurse by the name of Aleisha that's engaged to Antonio, holds me back as I go to follow them, my eyes trained on Torri the whole time.
"Sir." I jump awake when a hand is placed on my shoulder, making me look up into a pair of bright green eyes. Such a contrast to Torri's gray ones. "You can see her now."
I stand quickly and rush down the hall to where they took her. Opening the door, I see the girl in a hospital bed with her right leg peaking out from under the thin white sterile blanket to show a lime green cast from her thigh down.
Looking at her peaceful face, I'm glad she's asleep. She has a split lip and bruises on one side of her face, her arms wrapped in gauze.
Sighing quietly, I take out my phone and snap pictures of her. Sending them to their respective numbers, I look solemnly at her again. It's the only way to get what I need... to send those pictures as blackmail to her family.
Only two weeks left.
Her hand is clasped tightly in mine as Conner lists off her injuries, guilt fulfilling me not to pay attention. My eyes roam over her features.
She looks pale and drawn in from the world. Her cheeks are slightly sunken and light purple bags are under her eyes. Speaking of eyes, they look dull, emotionless, and wise beyond their years.
"...Strenuous activity." I come back to reality as Conner finishes speaking. I can tell he wants to say something more as pity fills his eyes.
"Say whatever you need to. I can handle it." She whispers from beside me.
"I'm sorry, but... you may never be able to walk again."

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