Chapter 43

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Torrance POV

                    My eyes widen and I turn to Dorothy. She holds her daughter close, watching me with guarded eyes.

                   "Who raped you?" Gray, Kyle, Brandon, and my dad all yell in chock. Wow, Gray. You're an idiot. 

                     "I'm sorry, Torrance. But he deserves to know." I shake my head at Dorothy and my eyes widen even more.

                   "Please." I beg her, tears forming in my eyes again.

                    "It's yours, Gray. The baby is yours." I feel my heart drop as he stays still, a spooked look on his face.

                    "That's not even possible." He whispers to himself. My head snaps to him and I raise an eyebrow.

                    "Actually, it kind of is." I say, irritated.

                    "Wait... you took her innocence?!?!" Brandon yells. I turn and stand in front of Gray.

                    Brandon and the rest of my family- well, the men and Aunt Kase- try to get to him. Cover my ears to block the noise, I do what I do best. Scream. Letting one out that can break glass, everyone steps away.

                     Pulling my hands away, I smile to myself. "Can everyone just please listen?"

                     They all stand still and I roll my eyes. Of course they would.

                      "Gray didn't rape me or hurt me." I say, watching my brothers glare daggers at the man behind me. They look at me for reassurance I nod at them softly, watching them relax. "He was probably the best kidnapper I've ever had considering what I just went through."

                     I shudder in disgust, watching a few of them crack a smile. "Gee, thanks."

                     I turn to face him when he mumbles a sarcastic comment. He watches me with hooded eyes. Then they move towards my stomach to the slight bump. It just looks like I've gained weight but if you look close enough, you can see a small curve. 

                      "Are you sure it's mine?" He whispers so that just Vin, South, Jona, Matty, and I can hear it. I glare at him.

                      "Yes, I'm sure. I'm not fucking stupid. I don't go around sleeping with everyone that has a dick." I see the guys swallow but he stands his ground.

                      "How did this even happen?" He asks, rubbing his face.

                      "Well, when a girl and boy like each other, they start to develop these feel-" Gray cuts Jona off with a punch. My lips twitch as I try to fight a smile.

                      "I'm too young to be a dad." He says to himself, making me lose all happiness.

                      "And I'm even younger than you."

                       "It still doesn't change anything. I'm a fucking gang leader for god's sake. You're just a... regular girl." He says. "You don't fit into this world and neither will the baby."

                      I take a step back.That hurt. I can see that he didn't mean for it to come out like that but it did. "I don't care what you do, Gray, but I'm keeping the baby. You can decide whether or not you want anything to do with it.

                      Turning on my heel, I latch my hand onto Kyle's arm, holding myself up because I'm so exhausted. He wraps an arm around my waist as my knees buckle. He helps me stand straight and I tear the shirt I'm wearing over my head, leaving the tank top on. Using the hair tie on my wrist, I wrap my hair up and take the crop top mom hands me. Slipping it over my head, I slide my arms out of the straps of the tank top and pull it down my legs. Damn, I need to shave.

                      Mom comes up, tilting my head from side to side before throwing her arms around me. "My baby is finally home."

                     I smile at her and she lets go. Taking both Brandon and Kyle's hands in mine, I walk in between them, needing the security. 

                      Just before I climb into the SUV that sits in the front of the house with all the others, I turn back to see Gray still standing in the front yard with the gang. Carmen is crying in Dorothy's arms and I swallow when I see silent tears going down Jona's cheeks. Brandon touches my arm, making me turn back to him. 

                       "You okay?" He asks with concern.

                         "Not yet. But I will be." Then I climb into the car, sitting in the middle of my brothers as we drive home.

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