Chapter 34

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Torrance POV

Stomping from the meeting room- well as much as I can stimp with a cast on my leg- I fume over the fact that he switched my shampoo with hair dye. I mean, yeah it looks good but really? He's definitely sleeping on the couch.
Leaning against the wall to take some of the pressure off my leg, I shake it out. Damn cast.
Deciding to go downstairs, I stop at the top, smiling down when I see Vin chasing Jona around like little kids. Everyone turns to me and their eyes widen. I frown as they all begin yelling.
I don't understand what they mean until I'm being pushed. My legs tumble over my head and my body rolls ungracefuly down the stairs. My head slams against the marble a few times and my vision blurs as I land at the bottom.
People surround me just as I fall into oblivion.
I slowly become aware of my surroundings, a loud voice yelling. "Please, wake up, Torri. Please."
I know that voice. Who does it belong to? My body is being moved, pulled towards a source of comfort and heat.
Taking a small breath, I open my eyes a few times to come to my senses. My head is on someone's neck and my body is spread across their lap.
"TORRI!!!" I grimace at the loud shout and the pounding in my head that I just noticed. Only one person calls me that. Gray.
I frown at him. "My scary little gangleader was crying. Why?"
"I am not little. I've proven that outside and inside the bedroom." I was going to roll my eyes but it hurts when my eyes move around my head.
I raise my hand and flip him off before a metallic taste becomes present in my mouth. Groaning in protest, I turn and spit it out, seeiny my body covered in red. No, it's not blood. It can't be. I refuse to believe that it is.
"Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to paint me red?"
"Baby, that's blood." My heart drops. Dammit, it is.
"Why can't I go one week without hurting myself?" I bury my head into his stomach.
Laughter makes me turn and glare as much as I can at the men from the meeting room without hurting myself. They just laugh more. Assholes.
Suddenly, Dr. Conner shows up with a small bag. He asks me soft questions as Gray glares at the surrounding men and women.
"We need to admit her overnight for further observation." His voice says. The pounding increases as I become aware of the whispers of the crowd.
Gray picks me up, carefully tucking my head into his chest and covering my exposed ear. I understand why when he begins shouting.
I ignore his yelling in favor of controlling the pounding in my head and the pain in my side. His large hand smooths over my back calmly as his heartbeat lulls me to sleep.
"How long have I been asleep?" I ask, stretching my arms above my head with a lazy smile on my lips.
"About 11 hours." I look at Gray in shock as he speaks with a cold harsh tone.
"Oh." I whisper, sitting up. At this point, Conner walks through the door.
"Good, you're awake. How do you feel?" He smiles, his floppy blonde hair falling in his eyes.
"Fine." I shrug, my fingers intwining themselves on my lap.
"Well, you have a mild concussion and you lost a lot of blood. Take it easy for a few days and come back in a week to get your stitches taken out." I smile at him as he begins unhooking the IV in my arm and hands me a pile of clothes.
Closing the door behind him, I climb out of the bed and hold onto the rail for balance. Who the hell changed me?
Untying the hospital gown, I let it drop to reveal that I'm only in a pair of black lace high cut underwear. I shiver when the cool air hits my body.
Quickly brining the bra up, I clip it in place and throw the gray tank top over my head. A black and white flannel warms my arms. A small smile falls on my lips when I smell Axe. Gray's shirt.
Denim shorts end mid thigh and show my legs before I slide on a sock and a black high top Converse.
His eyes burn holes in the side of my head. Twisting my blue and green hair into a high ponytail, I blow the curls out of my face.
Looking at him, I smile only to see him glaring. "What?"
He shakes his head but I raise an eyebrow. "Just drop it, Torrance."
I flinch. Partially at the harshness and partially because he didn't call me Torri.
"No. What's wrong, Gray?" I limp over to his side of the bed, wishing that I could just get this cast off already.
"Don't you listen?!?! I said NO!!!" I flinch back as his face turns red in anger and his fists clench.
"Gray," I whisper. "What is happening to you?"
"You." He grits. "My problem is you. It always has been."
I gasp and step back. Tears fill my eyes as my heart drops to my stomach.
Meeting his ice blue eyes, I see that they are exactly that. Ice. Nodding my head slightly, I turn.
Wrapping my arms around my stomach, I limp through the door. His eyes follow me the whole way as tears fall.
Shrugging off the hands that place themselves on my arms or back, I keep walking, my vision blurred with tears.

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