Chapter 31

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Gray POV
I sigh as I watch my little spitfire disobey me and play with the kids. I don't want her to get hurt more than she already is but, of course, she took after her mother.
"How was it?" I turn my head to look at Dante as he steps out of the house and onto the back porch.
"What?" I ask, leaning against the railing with my arms crossed.
"Her." He smirks, nodding his head out towards where Torri is giggling with the little kids.
"None of your business." I growl, standing straight.
"I bet she felt nice. All hot and sweaty under you. Or was she on top?" He smirks at me, knowing just how to rile me up. "Were her moans sweeter than her voice when she sings? You-"
"STOP!!!" I yell, throwing myself at him. We tumble down the steps and land with me on top.
My fists grow numb, punching him. Until I hear screaming.
"GRAY, GET OFF HIM!!!!" That's all it takes for me to become distracted for one second.
And he takes that second to flip us over and start punching me. He pins me down as I struggle.
"NO GET OFF!!!" My little spitfire screams, trying to pull him off as tears stream down her beautiful face.
He gets fed up of her and turns, punching her in the face. I let out a murderous roar and throw him off me. "Take him downstairs."
Vin and Matty listen immediately, taking his arms as they drag him. I stand to my feet and hurry over to where Torri rolled from the hit.
People surround her as she cries on the ground. I shove them away and fall to my knees next to her.
Tilting her head to me, I see her cut eyebrow, swollen and split lip, and her black eye. I clench my jaw, trying not to go back and kill him. But then I see her teary grey eyes.
Picking her small form up and into my arms, I carry her away and into the house. After instructing eberyone not to bother me for the rest of the day, I go to my room and place her on the toilet seat in the bathroom. Getting the first aid kit, I sit on the flooor beside her.
"You shouldn't have tried to stop us." I say softly, dabbing at her split lip with a cotton ball.
"I didn't want you to get hurt." She says quietly, looking down like she's ashamed. I lift her chin, making her look into my eyes.
"Thank you for being worried. But please don't ever try to put yourself in between me and another man when I'm fighting for you." She nods.
I kiss her lips, needing some way to comfort her. She responds immediately, wrapping her arms around my neck. I groan, placing my hands on her waist.
"Why don't you relax? Go take a bath." I say softly, rubbing her shoulders.
She nods and I stand, going over to the bathtub on the other side of the large bathroom. Turning on the hit water, just how she likes it, I add watermelon bubble bath. Hearing her laugh from the other side of the room makes me smile.
Walking over to her, I help her stand. She uses my arms for stability and I love the fact that she's not tall enough to reach my shoulders.
Unbuttoning her shorts, she steps out of them and tosses her shirt to the side. Stripping her of her bra, I watch the perky little things- well, big things- bounce against her creamy skin.
Helping her out of her underwear, I swallow at the sigh of her naked body. Casting my eyes down, I go towards the sink and grab a plastic bag from the cabinet underneath it.
When I turn back, I see that she had limped over to the bathtub and sat on the edge, her fingers swirling in the water, her hair in a messy bun on the top of her head. Bending down beside her, I gently wrap her leg.
When I look up again, I notice her watching me. "What?"
"Nothing. It's just," She glances down. "I've never noticed how blue your eyes are."
I grin at her before picking her up and wrapping her legs around my waist. "You have no idea what you do to me."
I groan just to prove a point when she accidentally rubs my skin where my shirt rode up. She gasps before I open my eyes and peck her lips.
A blush covers her cheeks as I place her in the bath where she leans back. Her moan makes my dick twitch as she relaxes.
Rolling the sleeves of my white button up shirt, I dip my fingers into the soapy water.
"You know, it's a proven fact that guys become hotter 5,000 times hotter when they roll their sleeves up."
"If you ever say that to another man, I'm ignoring you for a week." I tease
"But what if I say it to my brothers?" She smirks.
"Two days. I'll ignore you for two days." I say proudly. She scoffs.
"You wouldn't be able to live without me for three hours let alone two days." She rolls her eyes.
"That is very true, my sweet and beautiful girlfriend." I peck her lips again and she smiles.
She looks at me with a mischievous glint in her eyes as her leg pokes out from under the water, covered in soap.
I stare at it with heated eyes. My hand reaches up to rub my chin as I stare at her body from under the soapy water.
"Why do you have to tease me?" I groan.
"Because it's fun." She leans forward, smirking at me. "And I always get something out of it."

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