Okay I haven't updated in a while but here I am now with a sort of late back to school chapter. Enjoy.
Honestly, I like school. I like learning, I like socializing with my friends, but there are also things I really hate about it, which in most cases, people can relate to.
1. Homework.Let's be real here. I will stay at school for 13 hours each day if I have to, as long as there is no homework given. I understand it is practice, but a lot of the time homework from ten different classes can tend to pile up and be a massive waste of time.
2. Social Levels
It really bothers me how people categorize each other on levels of popularity and give each other criteria in order to be a popular person. Yes, I believe in social levels like this but I do not think that people should have to try and change themselves in order to fit into those social levels. You either have it or you don't. If you have your own group of friends that you enjoy spending time with, then that's okay, you don't need to be popular or cool, just be in your own group of friends and don't categorize yourself or others.
3. Mean People
I absolutely hate it when people are mean to each other. Whether it's for looks, behavior, grades, popularity, race, clothing, gender, there just is no excuse to be mean to someone about that. There is no excuse for someone to be rude, or single someone out because of who they are. That's called being a bully and I don't accept that. Let's be honest we have all said something mean to someone, we have excluded, we have back stabbed, we have been mean, we have been bullies at one point in our lives and it's human nature, but it's not okay for it to be continuous behavior. Because one day all of that will come back and bite you in the ass.
4. Grades
I understand that your grades are important and that you should work hard to achieve them but honestly it puts so much pressure on you to get good grades it's stressful, it's annoying, it's terrifying. One moment you are sitting in class taking a test the next you are in a bathroom stall trying to slow your heart rate and breathe normally. I feel like grades and the weight of them is the cause of most anxiety issues and panic disorders.
5. Boys
Forgive me, but I am going to be a girl here. Okay, boys. They are complicated, good looking, obnoxious, mean, nice, really anything. They are so complicated, they are practically a completely different species. True story. If you start having a crush on a guy, let me tell you, it will ruin your life. Your whole schedule revolves around them, your grades significantly drop, you low key have an anxiety attack every time you talk to them, and you are really self conscious. Most of the time the feeling isn't mutual which is the part that's hard to get over but trust me all of that stress, all of that incompetence, it's. not. worth. it.
1. Learning
Believe it or not, sometimes things in school are actually fun to learn.
2. Social Experiences
I actually look forward to school most of the time, because I get to communicate with my friends, and spend time with them. It makes the experience ten times better, and it's just nice to connect with people... Ya feel?
3. Awesome field trips
Every year we get to go on a field trip. In most cases, they are fun and/or interesting. Last year we went to a forest preserve. Another year we visited a colonial town in Naperville, Illinois. This year we got to go to Springfield where we stayed overnight at a hotel, and it was pretty nice to just let go for two days. Next year we go to D.C.
4. iPads
Some schools get school issued iPads or netbooks, that you complete your schoolwork on. It has tools and apps that are much more comfortable for use and organization.
5. Gum
This is kind of stupid but my life has been so much easier at school now that gum is permitted in almost every class. I go through a pack each day. I've spent so much money on gum, it's sad.Also I don't know if it is just me, but I feel like teachers care and teach us to care more about grades than about actually learning and discovering something and having a quality and educational experience. Sure they should motivate us to care about usimg what we learn and getting good grades but they shouldnt teach us that grades define is or something. And if we dont do our homework or get a bad grade all of a sudden we are irresponsible, and unintelligent and they ask us a bunch of questions as to why we got a bad grade or didnt complete an assignment. Why do you care? It's my problem not yours. Dont reprimand me or interrogate me. Idk I feel like teachers are too emotionally invested in us and our grades in particular.
So that was my Ten Things I love/hate About School update, I hope you could relate, feel free to comment and vote.
De TodoThis is a book of rage. A book where I will be expressing myself to the world of people. I will be including rants about people's aggravating personality issues and things people do as writers here on wattpad that make me want to fling myself out o...