Worse of it all

76 7 1

I cannot complain

about the

few months

we spent



you were amazing.

You made me feel right,

you even spoiled me.

You were like my puzzle piece

that has been missing from me.

You were mysterious.

You knew more of me

than I knew of you.

The more you knew though,

the more you seemed to care.

Well, it seemed that way for only a couple of weeks.

And then,

the drifting away began.

It started with having tons of text messages,

to only about a handful at a time.

Sure, i was the one putting in effort, it seemed.

And then it went on a roller coaster from there.

You were caught up with drama from a past girl,

and it seemed like you never trusted me to know the drama.

Guys and their drama was  'worse than girl drama' you would say.

Really? Because I am a firm believer in knowing girls have worse drama. 

But then,

you seemed to ignore me through the day at that school.

I used to catch a ride home with you after school once and a while.

The text that came later on stopped it all.

It stopped everything I wanted and liked about you.

It crushed me,

since it was around the same time I experienced lost from a close friend.

Every time afterwards,

when I got a glimpse of you,

my heart broke.

I went from being a happy girl to who I am now.

Scared, broken, and insecure.

I guess I got the worse of it all.

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