Sparks fly

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"Sparks Fly" (Fionna and Cake)


The steady sound of the rain falling and hitting the ground, consecutively and altogether was heard throughout the Land of Aaa. It was another day wasted for everyone. Even the busiest of people. And it was all because of the Ice Queen. She had turned portions of cloud into ice, and with the sun giving heat the day before, the ice melted and the clouds absorbed the melted ice, causing cold rain.

A sixteen year old blonde Adventuress sighed as she took a look outside from the window next to her bed. She sat down on her bed and pushed the hair, which covered her view slightly, aside.

"Cheer up, Baby Cakes. The rain's gonna clear up sooner or later. For the meantime, find yourself something to do." Cake, the girl's sister, stated

"You can say that because Lord Monochromicorn's here." The girl grumbled

Cake laughed a bit as she walked out of the bedroom.

"You should've called PG over." She chuckled and made her way to the her waiting boyfriend

Fionna lied down on her bed and stared at the ceiling.

"It would be cool if I had PG over." She thought to herself, "But he'll just talk about science."

She sighed.

"Why do I even bother putting sense on our relationship. He doesn't like me anyway." she wiped a tear that attempted to go down her face

She had been thinking and talking to herself lately and it had always gone to the thought of her and Prince Gumball, the prince of the Candy Kingdom. She had been making ways on how to get them together, to no avail. He actually almost told the adventuress that he is too old for her, which is indeed, true. But age doesn't matter right? So why was she so affected?

"Ugh. I wish someone was here with me." She whispered

"Well I'm here." a voice that came from outside had said

It was a groggy and deep voice, like what a teenager boy should have.

"Who's there?" The blonde asked, holding up her Crystal sword which 'Gumball', who was actually the Ice Queen in disguise, had given her

A quiet chuckle was heard and Fionna put her sword down knowing that little laughter.

"Okay Marshall Lee. Where are you?" The girl asked, sitting back down to her bed

The window next to her bed opened up and entered Marshall Lee, the Vampire King, with his red axe bass.

"Hey Fi." He greeted as he floated over the room

"What are you doing her?" She asked

"I thought you wanted some company." The boy replied coolly

He strummed the strings on his bass silently.

"I guess you're fine to be one." Fionna shrugged

"Hey," He paused, "That's kind of offensive."

Fionna rolled her eyes playfully.

"If I was some human like you." he continued

There was a few minutes of silence between the two until the vampire caught sight of the Crystal Sword that rested next to the adventuress.

"You still have that sword Gum Wad gave you?" Marshall asked

"Well, as a matter of fact, I do." She nodded

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