Chapter 9

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A quiet mutter came from the unconscious boy. It was loud enough for anyone to hear but too grumbled for anyone to understand.

"Fionna's really succeeding, Cake. She's getting Marshall's soul back." Gumball gleefully stated

"But, where's Fionna?" Cake asked

A few hours had passed and nothing more had happene to Marshall Lee. Night had arrived and they both heard a light knock on the door. The pink candy door opened and Ignitus peeked in.

"Greetings Cake, Prince Gumball." Ignitus politely greeted

"You know that you can just say 'hi'." Cake chuckled

"Alright." Ignitus nodded, "Mind telling me where Fionna is?"

Gumball and Cake glaced at each other for a second. Cake nervously scratched the top of her head.

"Fionna is, at the..." Cake looked at Gumball

"Tree house!" Gumball blurted out

"At the tree house? That's odd. I just went there." Ignitus stated

"Did PG say tree house? He meant... Ice Kingdom." Cake nodded weakly

"Oh right, I should really know the difference between the fort and the Ice Kingdom." Gumball chuckled

"Uh-huh. So, I'll just be outside, waiting for you to tell me the truth." Flame Prince stated then left

Cake and Gumball both sighed at the same time. The FP situation will be alright, for now though.

"How are we going to explain this?" Gumball asked

"I don't know but we need to think of a quick legit plan." Cake answered, "Now rack that brain of yours."

"Wh-Why me? You should think of one. You're an adventurer, you always come up with them." Gumball argued

"You're the scientist, you should be the o-."

"Fionna!" The former unconscious boy yelled as his eyes opened from a long sleep

"Marshall Lee! You're awake!" Gumball stated gleefully

"Fionna! Fionna! Where is she?!" He frantically asked, trying to stand up but feeling a pain on his chest

"She should be coming home now." Cake answered

"She was with me! From the Land of the Dead." Marshall slowly calmed down, "She should be here by now."

"Maybe she got into a bit of trouble with the Ice Queen. It's nothing to worry about." Gumball shrugged

Cake nodded then after a split second, her tail suddenly frizzed.

"Something's wrong with my Baby Cakes." Cake muttered weakly as she looked at her tail

"Where did you last see her?" Gumball asked seriously

"At the Land of the Dead. I couldn't move on my own but I saw her drag me to Death and trade her life for it. Death didn't accept it though. Then the next thing I remember was her saying things to me that I couldn't make out then in a flash, I'm here." Marshall explained

"I don't get it, how did she get you?" Gumball put a finger to his chin

"This is not good. I'm going to the castle to get Peppermint Maid." Cake said then stood up and went out

"Wait, Finn, what does this have to do with Peppermint Maid? Is it somewhat related to Peppermint Butler?" Bubblegum asked

Finn turned to Peppermint Butler who mouthed 'Your flesh' with his eyes red.

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