Chapter 5

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Marshall's POV

I hovered around Ooo for about an hour and a half, debating with myself whether or not I will go over to the Fire Kingdom and beat that Ingnitus up. In the end, I decided not to... Just because of Fionna. I mean, would she like a guy who had beaten up her boyfriend? No right. I mean, who would ever?

I walked inside my bedroom, strumming the strings of my axe bass mindlessly.

"Good little girl," I sang sadly, "Always making a fight with me, you know that I'm bad."

I sighed and stopped my hands.

"Well she forgot about it." I sunk deep in my gray sheets, "But also forgot who I am."

I grabbed a strawberry that was in a small plastic tray on my bed and sucked the red out of it, throwing the gray strawberry to the small garbage can on the left of my bed.

"I thought I could make it alright and get her." I pounded my right fist on the bed, hard, "But I only lost her and Gumball instead."

"Ugh! I'm the Vampire King! I should invest my time on something better!" I growled then drew a smiley face on my wall, and doused it with some bug milk, "Maloso vobiscum et cum spiritum."

The smiley face turned into a small opening to the Nightosphere.

Fionna's POV

After Marshall left, I let go of Cake and she glared at me.

"What was Marshall doing here?!" Cake snapped

"I, uh, he was just asking about the past five months." I answered as I fiddled with my fingers behind my back

"Uh-huh. So when did you start lying to me?" She asked, pointing an accusing finger at me

I sighed and plopped down on my bed, "He was just checking how I was. And I told him about me and Gumball and Ignitus."

"You do know that he could beat those two up right?" Cake asked, hands on her waists

I raised an eyebrow at her.

"He doesn't look like he would." I shrugged

"Oh baby cakes, you have so much to learn." She shook her head no

Cake exited the room and went down to the kitchen. I shook my head. Sometimes Cake really confuses me.

Gumball's POV

I held a hand on my belly as I rested in bed. Marshall had left about two hours ago, and if I could, I'd call him back just to apologize. I know that he likes Fionna, but I still dated her, totes disobeying a bro code.

It was all silence for a minute or two until I heard a small wood cracking by my left. I turned my attention to the wall and saw an opening... To the Nightosphere... and Marshall stood by the entrance.

"Hey." He greeted gloomily

I sat down, trying to silence a wince so he won't get too concerned.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, one eye closed

"I, uh, it was wrong to punch you." He stated, rubbing his left arm with his right hand

"What?" I asked

Marshall grumbled then put his hands behind his hands.

"Ugh! What I meant was that a king should never do something that stupid." He muttered

I chuckled a bit. I knew his point even before he started talking. I just wanted to hear him say those exact words.

"I have no clue on what you're saying." I stated

He groaned and kicked the wall.

"Are you trying to say that you're sorry?" I teasingly asked

His head shot up and he nodded vigorously.

"Mind saying it?" I asked

"Oh, Gumball, you know that I've never said those words together right? If I will ever do that, there is the word 'not' in the middle." He answered not so calmly

"Fair enough." I shrugged, "But what if you somehow made a mistake... To Fionna?"

He looked shocked at me.

"You know, if there's ever an encounter like that, I still won't." He said but his eyes said the exact opposite

"Yeah, right." I rolled my eyes

"So anyway, can you tell me how I can go to the fire kingdom without burning up?" He asked

"You don't plan on knocking Ignitus unconscious right?" I asked, a bit scared at what my bro was thinking

"No," Ha answered, I breathed a sigh of relief, "My minions will do that."

"What, Marshall!"

"I'm just kidding." He chuckled

I rolled my eyes.

"Anyway, I'm going to be more of a king from now on, so, you won't be seeing Marshall Lee's cool shenanigans for... I don't know fifteen years." He leaned at the wall

"Fifteen years? Marshall," I frowned, "That's very long in mortal years. We'll have children by that time."

"It just reduces the pain that I'll just have in fifty to eighty years from now." He muttered

"Are you ready for a decision like this?" I asked, "I mean, just being a prince is hard work, what more if a king?"

"Well what else can I do? Fionna and Ignitus will eventually be married, I'd be left with nothing again." He paused, "You know what I'm saying?"

"No, but, I get what I'm trying to do." I whispered, "You know Marshall, even just a day, it matters to us mortals, we can't just spend it moping around and making a lame choice for a big decision. Think about it if you will."

He frowned slightly and turned around and entered his kingdom.

"I'll see you in fifteen years."

Marshall's POV

The portal closed and I leaned my head at my room's dark colored wall. I slammed my fist against it and growled. Without me even noticing it, a tear ran down my cheek.

I heard a silent knock from the door. I wiped my tear away and opened the door. There stood his mother, holding up at amulet at him. The amulet had a gold lace and a diamond-shaped pink-purple-ish gem.

"Are you ready to rule the Nightosphere?"

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