Chapter 6

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"Marshall Lee!" Fionna yelled

She marched around the Nightosphere, where many demons and other immortal souls gathered. After Gumball had told Fionna that Marshall had finally accepted the fact that he is a king and taking over the Nightosphere, Fionna made a portal as quick as she could. Now, the adventuress had been searching for her friend for at least an hour and a half.

"Where are you?" She muttered to herself

Marshall's POV

My ear twitched just after I grabbed the amulet from my mother. She had been so happy, for her retirement and me being ruler of the Nightosphere. I can say that this place is pretty cool, but then I'd be lying. Fionna isn't here so why would it be cool?

My ear twitched once more and slight tingles were sent down my spine. It meant that someone had just opened up a portal, going here. I groaned and floated over to check who the lunatic was. For all I know, it could be the Ice Queen... But what purpose does the Nightosphere have for her?

I floated for about five minutes and then I saw her. Fionna was there... But wait, how can she recall on how to open a portal if she has amnesia? Hmm, well I guess it's Gumball's fault.

I landed shortly behind the girl. I stared at her for a few minutes.

"Where are you?" She mumbled

I raised a hand up and landed it on her shoulder. I really thought of this as a dramatic moment, but then again... She yelled at the top of her lungs and I couldn't help but laugh. She turned her attention to me and she nudged me. A little on the hurting side but it's alright.

"What are you doing here?" I asked after taming my laughter

"Well, Cake told me that you are one of my closest buds and Gumball said that you're leaving Ooo. Is that true?" She asked sadly

A frown crossed my face but it quickly dissipated and was turned into a sad smile.

"Yeah." I whispered

She looked at me straight in the eye and charged towards me, giving me a tight hug. I wrapped my arms around her just after a few seconds. This gave my heart few weak thumps, but they were still heartbeats so who cares?

She pulled away after a minute or so and I could've sworn I saw a little twinkle of guilt in her eyes. She turned around and walked back to the portal.

"I guess it's goodbye then." She said sadly and weakly

"Yeah." I muttered with a soft nod, "It's for the good of everybody."

A tear ran down her cheek.

"Hey don't cry, you can visit anytime you want." I said

"Like I could." I heard her whisper, "Ignitus doesn't allow me."

"Look," I started as laid a hand on her shoulder, "whatever Gumball says about Ignitus, trust him, okay? You don't know Fireboy completely but you know Gumball and all he tells is the truth."

She nodded and then walked in the portal. It closed, vanishing into thin air. I just wish that I don't make the wrong decision.

Three weeks later...

"You come back here Marshall Lee!"

I floated as fast as my body could and slammed the door as it could possibly can. I leaned against the wooden door, which has one hinge broken from the impact, panting loudly and quickly.

My mother had been chasing me all day long, waiting for me to wear the amulet. Well, chasing me all day but waiting to wear the amulet?... Let's say three weeks.

"No!" I yelled back

"Now Marshall Lee. Be good to your mommy and wear the amulet." She stated in a motherly like attitude, "Or I'll tell everyone that you're still a momma's boy."

I rolled my eyes and groaned, "I was never momma's boy." I whispered

"I heard that." Mom said

I groaned and locked the door. I floated to my bed, not landing on the soft cushion but just hovering above it. It was totally the wrong decision to rule over the Nightosphere, well I was still ruling it, I was just never around. It was boring here. No stuff to write a song about, well if death doesn't count, no inspiration to do anything, no nothing. Totes. No no not just 'totes'. Capitalize that, put it in bold form and underline it three times. That TOTES.

"Marshall Lee Abadeer open the door!" Mom ordered

"It's uh, open...?" I said, but came out as a question

She tried twisting the knobs and failed and gave up in a few minutes. There was silence for about thirty seconds until I heard a loud crash as the black wood from the door came flying into tiny pieces. I stared at the person who just barged in and decided to break down my door and saw my mom. Obviously.

"Are you wearing the amulet or not?!" She asked strictly

"Um... No?"

She glared at me for about a minute then marched towards my bedside table and grabbed the pink-purple-ish amulet.

"I'm off to rule the Nightosphere then." She said weakly, probably because her only son rejected being ruler

She marched out of my room. I shrugged, grabbed my axe-bass and made a portal towards the Candy Kingdom castle.

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