Chapter 3

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It was the next day that was worse than the night before. Fionna and Cake had a prince to save from the Ice Queen as an unfortunate meeting pursued.

"Alright Ice Queen, where are you?!" the adventuress yelled angrily

She and Cake heard some plates and silverware clattering together and soft mutters. One woman and one man. The sisters immediately thought of it as a prince in danger. They stormed out of the living room and rushed to the dining room only to be proved wrong.

Fionna's eyes bulged at what she just saw. There was the Ice Queen enjoying a regular lunch with none other than Marshall Lee the Vampire King.

"Oh, uh, sorry you two, Cake and I have, um, a lunch meeting with PG! Well gotta go!" Fionna sped out but Cake held on to the teenage girl's backpack

"What meeting?" Cake whispered, "You two need to talk."

"I can hear you, you know." Marshall stated

The teenager slumped her shoulders and face the vampire.

"Look, Marshall, I need to talk to you." She started, avoiding the boy's gaze

Though feeling rejected, Marshall floated from his seat and led the girl towards the living room.

"Wait, wait, wait." An old man's voice interjected

Marceline groaned as she looked at the old man who interrupted her story telling.

"So Fionna and Marshall Lee really get together in this fan fiction?" The Ice King asked

"I'll make them do what I want them to." Marceline responded as she shifted on the ice couch she was lounging on

"But Fionna likes me! The Ice King!" the Blue man yelled

"Shut up, Ice King!" Finn, who sat next to the man on the ice floor, said, "Marcy's making a greater fan fiction than you do."

"Yeah," Jake, who sat next to the Adventurer, added, "Plus, she's got fans."

The three boys looked behind them and saw the gathered up penguins and the princesses. Princess Bubblegum, LSP, and almost all the princesses in the land of Ooo had gathered up to listen to the Vampire Queen's story.

"Now where was I? Oh right." Marceline stated

The two went to the living room and sat on the couch. A quiet yet awkward atmosphere spread through the room in just after seconds.

Fionna cleared her throat and broke the silence, "Aren't you supposed to be teasing me now?"

The boy whispered something inaudible and turned to the girl.

"Look, whatever that kiss meant, I'm not saying that it meant something, but, whatever happened, just forget it. I'll put it behind me and you just forget about it." Marshall stated

The girl looked rather sad than angry. She was to break anytime, the vampire thought.

"I hate to break it to you, but I promise that I'd stop flirting with you and if annoys you that you see me all the time, just tell me." He floated back to the kitchen

Cake went over to her sister whose back was turned to him. She patted her back and heard a soft weeping.


Fionna stood up and ran to the kitchen to Marshall. She held up her arm and launched her hand to his cheek, giving him a hard slap.

"That's for kissing me and pulling my expectations high!" She cried

The Adventuress marched out of the castle and kingdom to her tree house, leaving a shocked Marshall in the Ice Queen's kitchen.

"Marshall, you know, I'm a Queen." Ice Queen suggested, earning a scowl from the boy

Marshall hovered over the ice kingdom and to his own house. Holding his cheek which Fionna had slapped just moments before.

Fionna sat on her bed wiping the warm tears that went down her face. It was just a day ago that she discovered her hidden love to the vampire and a few minutes ago that he broke her heart. It was unfair for her, as she had said to her sister. Her first love, her very first love had just broken her heart with a kiss.

"Fi, it's alright." Cake stated

"It's not!" She yelled and grabbed her Crystal sword

She took a look at the necklace and ruby that hung by the end. Her eyes again filled with tears by the memory that dwelled in that necklace.

It was Marshall Lee who had given it to her, hours before Prince Gumball's surprise party for the boy. He had woken up early and went to the tree house to give it to her personally. He gave it to her and placed it at her neck. It was their first hug. It happened there and Marshall knew that that won't go on further than a friendly hug. But he was wrong. The playful flirting with her everyday had turned into little hints as the days had gone by and little by little, the immortal noticed the girl's beauty. That was the reason he could easily give her his most prized possession. The ruby amulet his mother had given him when he was still young.

Fionna stared at it more and cried at it. She untied it from the sword and threw it out the window, breaking the glass in the progress.

"Baby Cakes! I know that you're seriously mad at the boy but that was something precious for him that's why he gave it to someone special for him!" Cake scolded, "You shouldn't have really thrown that!"

"Look Cake, obviously you haven't gotten your heart broken by some guy, because you're lucky to have met Lord Monochromicorn." She sighed, "I just... wanna be all alone."

"Fionna, if you need a talk or anything, just call me, okay?" Cake asked and went to their kitchen downstairs

Fionna wiped the tears away and stared at the hole in the window. She walked up to it and looked at the street. The amulet just lied there at the grass peacefully. She sighed and went back to her bed. She was not going to forgive the boy that easily. He's been her friend and he just had to ruin it by a kiss.

Cake exited the house and picked up the amulet her sister had thrown away. As much as he is terrified and furious about the vampire, she cares for him because he is still her sister's best friend.

"Oh Fi." Cake muttered as she entered the tree house

Marshall Lee floated through the dark skies of Aaa. He just hovered to anywhere the wind had led him to, at the same time, managing to avoid the tree house where a young human resided.

"She just slapped me and left." He told himself and shrugged, "Her loss."

Was it really her loss? Or was the vampire just hiding the hurt underneath all the other feelings hidden and locked up safely in his non-beating heart? That, he not know of. But he was sure that he won't be seeing much of her for the next few days.

Fionna lied on her bed. She thought of the Vampire repeatedly and what he had last said to her.

"Look, whatever that kiss meant, I'm not saying that it meant something, but, whatever happened, just forget it. I'll put it behind me and you just forget about it."

The pain in her heart stung and pounded quickly as if trying to break free and just break.

Her eyes blinked rapidly and warm tears flowed down her flawless face. All the emotions that she had been trying to keep to herself were finally out, whether the girl liked it or not.

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