Chapter 2

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Marshall made a short trip to the Candy Kingdom. Just checking if everything is alright, as he had said it. He hovered over the streets and to the castle. He found the Prince of the said Kingdom at the balcony that oversees the place.

"Gum Wad." He started, startling the young prince as he floated next to him

"Good afternoon too, Marshall." Gumball replied with his arms crossed

"Yeah it's a pretty good afternoon." Marshall nodded, "So, are you noticing Fionna anytime soon?"

The pink prince groaned. He remembered every visit the vampire had. Every one involved him asking that question, a smack at the back of his head and a short scolding about breaking the Adventuress' heart. The prince sometimes thought that the king had something about the girl but disregarded it, thinking that they are just that close as friends.

"Marshall, how many times have you asked me that question?" The prince asked with a quick eye roll

"I'm not keeping track, but I'm thinking a hundred and fifty." Marshall answered

"And how many times have you smacked me? Including now?" The pink prince interrogated

"A hundred and forty-nine." Marshall responded

"And how long is th-. Wait, did you just technically say that you're not going to hit me today?" Gumball asked

Marshall simply nodded.

"That's very kind of you Marshall." Prince Gumball smiled

"No I'm not!" The black-headed boy hissed, "I just... decided that I will no longer do that to you."

"Are you... feeling alright?" the pink boy asked

"I'm fine." Marshall paused, "Say, Fionna and I talked earlier and she told me that you have a girlfriend." The vampire pondered on his question for a while, "How did you realize that you like, whoever the girl is?"

"And why in Aaa will you ask that question." The prince asked

The vampire looked down at his fingers and fiddled with them.

"Hey," Gumball started as he laid a hand on Marshall's shoulder

Marshall quickly looked angrily at Gumball and slapped the boy's hand away.

"I kissed Fionna alright!" The vampire snapped

He quickly put his hands on his mouth as his eyes bulged at what he just admitted. Gumball stayed silent on his position until he snapped out of his stupor and grinned.

"It's great Fionna has a boyfriend." Gumball smiled

Marshall groaned.

"Don't you get it!" Marshall yelled, punching the boy's arms weakly, "That's what's wrong! I don't like those mushy love stuff!"

The prince looked bewildered at the fuming vampire.

"Look Marshall, I know that you've never been serious in a relationship, but, couldn't you, for the first time in a thousand years, just get married?" Prince Gumball asked kindly

"I don't have a plan on getting married! It's like loving someone, and see them die in the future! It's a stupid cycle that I wouldn't want to happen!" Marshall yelled and turned around

"If you aren't busy though, you might have cracked the heroine, and well, you need to talk to her about it. Think about it." Gumball called as the vampire floated to his house

"Baby Cakes, you alright?" Cake the Cat asked her sister

Night had fallen and the teenager still hasn't gotten over the incident earlier. She shifted in her bed repeatedly and finally groaning as she threw her blanket to the ground, worrying her sister and roommate.

"I can't sleep." Fionna muttered

"You need to talk about something?" Cake interrogated

Fionna sat down on her bed, looked down and ran a finger on her lower lip slowly.

"Yeah Cake." She whispered and stopped her fingers

The cat sat down on her bed and made her way to the human's bed.

"About Marshall?" Cake asked, hoping it wasn't about the dreaded Vampire King

"Yes." Her answered quietly

"Look Baby Cakes, I know that whatever happened was just a joke from him." Cake assured

"But..." Fionna looked over to the window, showing the full moon, "It was a joke that he... kissed me?"

"He kissed you?!" Cake yelled

"Um, yes, full on the lips." Fionna smiled at the memory as a light blush crept on her face

Cake's right eye twitched then she fixed herself.

"Wha-What did you feel then?" Cake asked, horrified about the fact that the vampire kissed her little sister

"Well, I was all, 'Oh my glob he's kissing me' and his lips, felt, so warm, the exact opposite of his whole skin, and, and his lips were so soft against me." She sighed, "And my insides are like, all mushy inside until I closed my eyes and tasted the strawberries he probably ate, well the red of it. Ooh, and you know the exact moment our lips touched? I felt this sudden electric shock which seemed to paralyze me. And," She breathed satisfyingly, "And I wish that I had one more chance to just, kiss him again."

"Fi, are you," The cat gulped, "falling in love for him?"

The girl looked at her curiously, "As much as I like fighting the Ice Queen, I haven't got a single clue about love."

Cake sighed and patted her sister's back, "You know what love is?"

Fionna shook her head no.

"What you exactly felt when you and Marshall Lee kissed." Cake sighed, "You're growing up, and you might want to give up on you little crush on Gumball."

Fionna took in what her sister had just said.

"Cake, I don't want to fall in love with Marshall." She frowned

Marshall Lee stared at his ceiling that night. He wanted to sleep but he couldn't. Gumball's words rang in his mind as if it was a record on repeat. He groaned as he grabbed his head attempting to stop his thoughts.

"I cannot be!" Marshall yelled, "I cannot be in love with Fionna!"

He got up and walked to his kitchen and grabbed a glass of strawberry milk. He went back to his room and just sat down plucking the strings of his bass out of boredom perhaps. He slowly sipped the color of the milk as he spoke to himself.

"It's just going to be a cycle." He sighed, "Even if I really love her and I'll lose her one day and live the rest of the days alone."

He closed his eyes tight.

"Why did I need to love her?" He asked as he rested his back at the head board, "I see her only as a sister... right?"

He pondered and thought about the girl which sent small smiles to the boy until he slowly started falling asleep.

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